A.   If the Director discovers that a customer has not installed a required backflow, prevention method, or that a backflow prevention method has been improperly tested or maintained, bypassed or removed, or that an unprotected cross-connection exists in the customer's water system, the water service to that service connection may be disconnected if the situation is not remedied within the time specified in the notice sent to the customer as required by this section. The service shall not be restored until the condition is remedied.
   B.   Water service to a fire sprinkler system shall not be subject to disconnection under this section. If a situation which would otherwise result in discontinuance of water service in subsection A. above is not remedied within the time provided in the notice sent to the customer, the customer may be issued a citation for a misdemeanor offense. Each day the situation is allowed to continue thereafter shall constitute a separate violation of this section.
   C.   Prior to disconnecting any water service because a condition set forth in subsection A. above exists, the Department shall send a notice to the customer describing the condition and notifying the customer the condition must be remedied within 45 days after mailing of the notice by the Department. If such condition is not remedied within the 45-day period, the Department shall send a second notice, by certified mail, to the customer notifying the customer that water service will be disconnected in 15 days if the condition is not remedied within such time period.
   D.   The Department may disconnect, without notice, water service to any customer when the Department discovers that the customer's water system is contaminating the public potable water supply or in the judgment of the Department, such action is necessary to protect the purity of the water supply or the safety of the water system. The Department's determination shall be final and conclusive.
(Ord. 24-1330, § 1, passed 4-23-2024)