A.   General policy. A water user making application for domestic water service for specific premises will be billed for water service to said premises until they order the service discontinued or the city discontinues service. The city shall have the right to discontinue service to a water user for the water user's failure to comply with, or violation of, or any infraction of any of this chapter. A reasonable effort will be made to notify the water user, however, a notice is not necessary when the non-compliance, violation, or infraction of this chapter by the water user results in, or is likely to result in, a dangerous or unsanitary condition on the water user's premises, or in the city's water system or elsewhere, or where discontinuance is necessary to protect the city from fraud, imposition, loss or abuse.
   B.   With notice.
      1.   Non-payment of bills. A water user's service may be discontinued as set forth in § 4.16.010F. herein.
      2.   Returned checks. In compliance with A.R.S. § 12-671, the city shall notify the water user that their check has been returned by their bank for the reason specified. The user will be given 12 days to recover the check in cash, cashier's check, or money order. Failure to comply with this notice may result in discontinuance of water service and any further action which may be available to the city. A returned check will be assessed the returned check fee in effect in accordance with the Master Fee Schedule.
      3.   If the returned check was used to make payments to restore service that was discontinued as set forth in § 4.16.010F. herein, the city will notify the water user that their check has been returned by their bank for the reason specified. The user will be given 48 hours to recover the check in cash, cashier's check, or money order. Failure to comply with this notice will result in discontinuance of water service and any further action which may be available to the city in compliance with A.R.S. § 12-671.
      4.   Any customer having 2 or more returned checks in a 12-month period will be notified that payments for the next 12 months must be in the form of cash, cashier's check, or money order.
      5.   Unsafe apparatus or conditions. The city may refuse to furnish water and may discontinue service to any premises where apparatus, appliances, or equipment using water is dangerous, unsafe, or not in conformity with any laws or ordinances. The city may refuse to furnish water and may discontinue service to any premises to protect the purity of the water supply or the safety of the water system. The city does not assume liability for inspecting apparatus on the water user's property.
      6.   Service detrimental to others. The city may refuse to furnish water and may discontinue service to any premises where the demand is greatly in excess of past average or seasonal use, and where such excessive demand of one water user is or may be detrimental or injurious to the service furnished to other water users. The city may refuse to furnish water and may discontinue service to any premises where excessive demands by one water user will result in inadequate service to others, including construction water demands.
      7.   Fraud or abuse. The city shall have the right to refuse or discontinue service to any premises to protect itself against fraud or abusive conduct on the part of the water user.
      8.   Non-compliance with regulations. The city may discontinue service to a water user for non-compliance with this chapter.
      9.   Non-compliance with notice. Before discontinuing service for reason of unsafe apparatus, service detrimental to others, wasting of water, or non-compliance with this chapter, the city shall present the water user a notice in writing specifying the reasons why service may be discontinued. If the water user fails or refuses to comply with said notice and remedy any condition described therein or comply with this chapter for a period of 5 business days after the presentation of the notice, then the city may discontinue water service to the water user.
   C.   Immediate. If immediate discontinuance of service is necessary to protect the purity of the water supply or the safety of the water system, or if a violation of this chapter has occurred or is occurring which results in the unauthorized use of water from the city's system, the City Manager may order immediate discontinuance of service to any water user.
   D.   At water user's request. A water user may have service discontinued by notifying the city at least 2 business days in advance of the desired date of discontinuance. Water user will be required to pay all water charges until the date of discontinuance. If notice is not given, the city may require the water user to pay for water service prior to severance of service. No charge will be made for a service discontinued at the water user's request.
   E.   A water user who requests to temporarily discontinue service will be charged base fee(s) in accordance with the Master Fee Schedule.
(Ord. 24-1330, § 1, passed 4-23-2024)