§ 4.08.010 GENERAL POLICY.
   A.   Shortage of water supply and interruption of service. The city shall exercise reasonable diligence and care to furnish and deliver a continuous and sufficient supply of water to the water user, and to avoid any shortage or interruption of delivery. The city will not be liable for interruption or shortage or insufficiency of supply, or any loss or damage occasioned thereby, if caused by accident, act of God, fire, strike, riot, pandemic, war, or any other cause not within its control including, but not limited to; restrictions imposed by City Ordinances or mandates by the federal or state government such as ones associated with any Colorado River reduction scheme or drought conditions. The city shall not be responsible for any interruption of water service caused by reasons beyond its control.
   B.   Right to temporarily suspend service. The city, whenever necessary for making repairs or improvements to its system, shall have the right to suspend temporarily the delivery of water. Notice, as circumstances will permit, shall be given to water users, and the making of repairs or improvements shall be concluded as rapidly as practicable, and, if practicable, at such times as will cause the least inconvenience to the water users. At no time can the city guarantee water service.
   C.   Water pressure conditions. The signing of an application for water connection(s) or for water service shall be prima facie acceptance and consent to such conditions of pressure and service as may from time to time exist under the current operating practices prevailing on the water system of the city, at the location of the service connection(s), and the applicant agrees to hold the city harmless from any and all damages caused by or arising out of low, high, or fluctuating pressure or interruption of service. The city assumes no obligation to serve water to elevations higher than its existing facilities serve.
   D.   Due to topography and other causes, the pressure is not uniform over the territory the system serves, and the city reserves the right to change to different pressures in various areas served. Water users dependent upon a continuous water supply should maintain adequate storage for emergencies.
   E.   Water users having water heaters, boilers, or other devices requiring a continuous water supply should take all necessary action to prevent damage or the causing of injury to such devices due to water supply shut offs.
   F.   Obstructing meter boxes. It is a violation to damage or interfere with, or to place (or to allow) dirt, trash, leaves or lawn cuttings or other obstructions on or over water meters or meter boxes. It is expressly forbidden to place garbage or rubbish boxes, cans, or barrels on them, and to park or cause to have parked any vehicle on or over a meter box. Any damage to the meter caused by such obstruction shall be at the cost of the water user. Any obstruction may be removed with proper written notice given to account holder/property owner, as to provide city employees with access to the meter box, all cost(s) associated with removal of obstruction will be the responsibility of the account holder/property owner.
   G.   Appeal. Decisions of the Director under this chapter may be appealed to the City Manager. The appeal shall be in writing within 10 business days of the Director's decision and shall specify the specific decision of the Director which is being appealed and the specific relief being requested. The decision of the City Manager shall be final.
(Ord. 24-1330, § 1, passed 4-23-2024)