A. An application for a permit or approval that has been accepted by the Department as complete prior to the effective date or any amendment shall be processed in compliance with the requirements in effect when the application was accepted as complete. Minor changes to applications in this category may also be processed pursuant to § 14.05.03N. in compliance with the requirements in effect when the application was accepted as complete, but major changes to applications in this category shall be processed pursuant to § 14.05.03N. in compliance with this Development Code.
B. An application for a permit or approval that has not been accepted by the Department as complete prior to the effective date, or that is submitted after the effective date, shall be processed in compliance with the requirements of this Development Code. Minor and major changes to applications in this category shall also be processed pursuant to § 14.05.03N. in compliance with the requirements of this Development Code.
(Ord. 16-1411, passed 2-23-2016)
The base and overlay zoning districts in the current zoning districts column of Table 2-1 are hereby created. These districts shall have the boundaries shown on the Official Zoning Map maintained in electronic form by the Community Investment Department and available on the Lake Havasu City website. The base zoning districts are grouped into 3 types — residential, mixed use, and special purpose.
Each of the base zoning districts listed in Table 2-1 are described below. Each section includes a purpose statement, basic dimensional table, examples of development in that district, and an illustration, as well as any regulations that apply to only that district. Permitted uses for each district are located in Article III, and development standards applicable to all development are located in Article IV.
(Ord. 16-1411, passed 2-23-2016)
Base Zoning Districts | |
Residential | |
R-A Residential Agricultural | |
R-E Residential Estate | |
R-1 Single-Family | |
R-2 Two-Family | |
R-3 Limited Multiple-Family | |
RMH Manufactured Home District | |
R-M Multiple Family | |
R-UMS Uptown McCulloch Main Street | |
R-CHD Commercial and Health | |
R-SGD Southgate District | |
Mixed Use and Special Purpose | |
MU-N Mixed Use Neighborhood | |
MU-G Mixed Use–General | |
Mixed Use | Commercial |
MU-UMS | |
C-CHD | |
MU-CRW | |
C-SGD | |
I-B Island–Beach | |
C-1 Limited Commercial | |
C-2 General Commercial | |
LI Light Industrial | |
I Industrial | |
A-P Agriculture/Preservation | |
P-1 Public Lands and Facilities | |
GC Golf Course | |
Overlay Districts (3) | |
AP-O Airport Overlay | |
NK-O North Kiowa Overlay | |
PD-O Planned Development Overlay | |
(Ord. 16-1411, passed 2-23-2016; Ord. 16-1162, passed 9-13-2016)
A. R-A: Residential Agricultural.
1. Purpose. This district is intended to provide for semi-rural, low-density, residential development and agricultural uses, in more isolated areas. The 1 acre minimum lot size and 1 dwellings/acre maximum density standards restrict urban development. Designs that retain the visual character and appeal of the desert landscape are encouraged. To foster the dual purposes of this district, principal land uses include single-family and 2-family dwellings as well as agricultural and animal related uses, plant nurseries and garden supply stores, and community gardens, as provided in Table 3-1 (Permitted Use Table). This district may serve as a transition between strictly residential and strictly agricultural land uses.
Lot Standards |
Lot Standards | |
Minimum lot area | 1 acre |
Minimum lot width | 60 ft. |
Minimum lot depth | 120 ft. |
Maximum lot coverage | N/A |
Maximum density | 1 du/ac |
Building Standards | |
Minimum depth front yard | 50 ft. |
Minimum width of side yard | General: 10 ft. Corner: 20 ft. Reverse: 50 ft. |
Minimum depth of rear yard | General: 50 ft. Reverse: 10 ft. |
Maximum height of primary building | 30 ft. |
This Table is a summary of selected standards; refer to Article IV Dimension Standards, for additional regulations. | |
2. Example.
3. Illustration.
4. Other standards. All development shall comply with all other applicable regulations in this Development Code including, without limitation, the permitted use regulations in Article III and the form and development regulations in Article IV.
B. R-E: Residential Estate.
1. Purpose. This district is intended to provide for large-lot, single-family residential development along a golf course, or centered around other recreational or open space uses. To encourage this recreational component, in addition to single-family dwellings, principal land uses include golf courses, parks and playgrounds, and community gardens, as provided in Table 3-1 (Permitted Use Table).
Lot Standards |
Lot Standards | |
Minimum lot area | 15,000 sq. ft. |
Minimum lot width | 60 ft. |
Minimum lot depth | 120 ft. |
Maximum density | 3 du/ac |
Building Standards | |
Minimum depth front yard | 20 ft. |
Minimum width of side yard | General: 10 ft. Corner: 10 ft. Reverse: 20 ft. |
Minimum depth of rear yard | General: 20 ft. Reverse: 10 ft. |
Maximum height of primary building | 30 ft. |
This Table is a summary of selected standards; refer to Article IV Dimension Standards, for additional regulations. | |
2. Examples.
3. Illustration.
4. Other standards. All development shall comply with all other applicable regulations in this Development Code including, without limitation, the permitted use regulations in Article III and the form and development regulations in Article IV.
C. R-1: Single-Family.
1. Purpose. This district is intended to promote and preserve Lake Havasu City’s most predominant land use – single-family homes on individual lots – in safe and attractive community settings. Primary land uses include single-family detached and attached homes and public or community oriented land uses such as schools, day care facilities, parks, and community gardens, as provided in Table 3-1 (Permitted Use Table).
Lot Standards |
Lot Standards | |
Minimum lot area | 10,000 sq. ft. |
Minimum lot width | 60 ft. |
Minimum lot depth | 120 ft. |
Maximum density | 4 du/ac |
Building Standards | |
Minimum depth front yard | 20 ft. |
Minimum width of side yard | General: 5 ft. Corner: 10 ft. Reverse: 20 ft. |
Minimum depth of rear yard | General: 20 ft. Reverse: 5 ft. |
Maximum height of primary building | 15 ft. |
This Table is a summary of selected standards; refer to Article IV Dimension Standards, for additional regulations. | |
2. Examples.
3. Illustration.
4. Other standards. All development shall comply with all other applicable regulations in this Development Code including, without limitation, the permitted use regulations in Article III and the form and development regulations in Article IV.
D. R-2: Two-Family.
1. Purpose. This district is intended to provide for a mixture of single-family and 2-family development within a density range of 5-7 dwelling units/acre. The principal land use is residential, complemented by community service uses (e.g., day care facilities and libraries), as provided in Table 3-1 (Permitted Use Table).
Lot Standards | |
Minimum lot area | 12,000 sq. ft. |
Minimum lot width | 60 ft. |
Minimum lot depth | 120 ft. |
Maximum density | 7 du/ac |
Building Standards | |
Minimum depth front yard | 20 ft. |
Minimum width of side yard | General: 5 ft. Corner: 10 ft. Reverse: 20 ft. |
Minimum depth of rear yard | General: 20 ft. Reverse: 5 ft. |
Minimum area of dwelling unit | 900 sq. ft. |
Maximum height of primary building | 15 ft. |
This Table is a summary of selected standards; refer to Article IV Dimension Standards, for additional regulations. | |
2. Examples.
3. Illustration.
4. Other standards.
a. General. All development shall comply with all other applicable regulations in this Development Code including, without limitation, the permitted use regulations in Article III and the form and development regulations in Article IV.
E. R-3: Limited Multiple-Family.
1. This district is intended to provide for a mixture of single-family, 2-family, and medium-density multiple-family development within a density range of 4 to 10 dwelling units/acre. This district is also appropriate for redevelopment and infill development that accommodates co-housing and student housing options. The principal land use is residential, complemented by community service uses (e.g., day care facilities and libraries), as provided in Table 3-1 (Permitted Use Table).
Lot Standards |
Lot Standards | |
Minimum lot area | 7,200 sq. ft. |
Minimum lot width | 60 ft. |
Minimum lot depth | 120 ft. |
Maximum density | 16 du/ac |
Building Standards | |
Minimum depth front yard | 20 ft. |
Minimum width of side yard | General: 5 ft. Corner: 10 ft. Reverse: 20 ft. |
Minimum depth of rear yard | General: 20 ft. Reverse: 5 ft. |
Minimum area of dwelling unit | 500 sq. ft. |
Maximum height of primary building | 15 ft. |
This Table is a summary of selected standards; refer to Article IV Dimension Standards, for additional regulations. | |
2. Examples.
3. Illustration.
4. Other standards.
a. General. All development shall comply with all other applicable regulations in this Development Code including, without limitation, the permitted use regulations in Article III and the form and development regulations in Article IV.
F. R-M: Multiple Family.
1. Purpose. This district is intended to provide for higher-density, multiple-family development adjacent to commercial corridors, business centers, and other community service activity centers, at a density range of 10 to 20 dwelling units/acre. The principal land use is residential, ranging from single-family to multi-family, complemented by both principal and secondary community service uses (e.g., rooming or boarding houses and long-term medical care facilities), as provided in Table 3-1 (Permitted Use Table).
Lot Standards |
Lot Standards | |
Minimum lot area | 7,200 sq. ft. |
Minimum lot width | 60 ft. |
Minimum lot depth | 120 ft. |
Maximum density | 20 du/ac |
Building Standards | |
Minimum depth front yard | 15 ft. |
Minimum width of side yard | General: 5 ft. Corner: 10 ft. Reverse: 15 ft. |
Minimum depth of rear yard | General: 20 ft. Reverse: 5 ft. |
Minimum area of dwelling unit | 400 sq. ft. |
Maximum height of primary building | 30 ft. |
This Table is a summary of selected standards; refer to Article IV Dimension Standards, for additional regulations. | |
2. Examples.
3. Illustration.
4. Other standards.
a. General. All developments shall comply with all other applicable regulations in this Development Code including, without limitation, the permitted use regulations in Article III and the form and development regulations in Article IV.
G. RMH: Manufactured Home District.
1. This district is intended to provide for the development and operation of medium density residential manufactured home parks, at a density range of 4 to 10 dwelling units/acre. A residential manufactured home park may provide manufactured home spaces for lease or rent, and some spaces may be occupied by recreational vehicles in accordance with this section and § 14.03.03A.7. The principal land uses are manufactured homes and single-family dwellings, as provide in Table 3-1 (Permitted Use Table).
Lot Standards |
Lot Standards | |
Minimum lot area | 7,200 sq. ft. |
Minimum lot width | 60 ft. |
Minimum lot depth | 120 ft. |
Maximum density | 10 du/ac |
Building Standards | |
Minimum depth front yard | 10 ft. |
Minimum width of side yard | General: 5 ft. Corner: 10 ft. |
Minimum depth of rear yard | General: 10 ft. Reverse: 5 ft. |
Maximum height of primary building | 15 ft. |
This Table is a summary of selected standards; refer to Article IV Dimension Standards, for additional regulations. | |
2. Examples.
3. Illustration.
4. Other standards.
a. General.
i. All development shall comply with all other applicable regulations in this Development Code, including without limitation the permitted use regulations in Article III and the form and development regulations in Article IV.
ii. Each manufactured housing unit shall comply with the federal Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. § 5401) for issuance of an installation permit.
iii. An installation permit shall be issued for each manufactured home placed in the park in compliance with Article V. The wheels of the mobile home unit shall not be removed prior to the issuance of an installation permit.
b. Space size and dimensions.
i. Manufactured home spaces shall be at least 3,000 square feet in area.
ii. The minimum space width shall be 40 feet and the minimum depth shall be 60 feet. Actual space width times space depth must equal or exceed 3,000 square feet.
iii. Recreational vehicles may be located on up to 50% of the manufactured home unit spaces within a manufactured home park, but the minimum setbacks required for manufactured home units shall be provided.
c. Site access and circulation.
i. The park shall have a minimum 42-foot wide access to a public street.
ii. The park shall be provided with access from a public street with a minimum of 70 feet of right-of-way.
iii. The minimum dimension of interior private streets in manufactured home parks shall be in compliance with Table 2-9.
Table 2-9: Minimum Dimensions of Interior Private Streets | ||
Type of Parking | 1-Way Streets | 2-Way Streets |
No side parking | 15 ft. | 20 ft. |
Parking on 1 side | 22 ft. | 28 ft. |
Parking on both sides | Not Allowed | 34 ft. |
iv. Private accessways to units and individual space arrangements shall be adequate to accommodate the movement of either a manufactured home or recreational vehicle and in compliance with approved plans.
v. Private accessways to units shall be paved.
vi. Sidewalks a minimum of 4 feet in width shall be provided on at least 1 side of all private streets.
d. Landscaping.
i. Required landscape area. A minimum of 10% of the site area shall be landscaped.
ii. Perimeter screening.
(A) A masonry wall 6 feet in height shall be constructed 10 feet back from the property line along exterior property lines that abut public streets.
(B) A landscaped strip 10 feet in width shall be required between the wall required in division G.4.d.ii.(A), above, and an exterior property line that abuts a public street.
iii. Spaces and common areas. The front and side manufactured home unit space setbacks and all open areas of the manufactured home park shall be landscaped in compliance with a plan approved by the Commission in accordance with Article V.
e. Common area facilities.
i. There shall be a community building to provide for the service needs of park residents.
ii. There shall be a recreational area for use by park residents that shall comprise at 4% of the site area with facilities approved by the Commission in compliance with Article IV.
f. Dwelling units of conventional construction. Structures of conventional construction shall not be allowed on any space for living purposes, except for the manager’s residence and office.
g. Standards for manufactured home units.
i. Size.
(A) A manufactured housing unit, together with any other structure, shall not cover more than 60% of the lot size or be less than 920 square feet in area.
(B) A manufactured housing unit shall not have an originally manufactured living area greater than 2,000 square feet, nor less than 720 square feet except as otherwise approved by the Commission.
(C) Units shall not have deteriorated or been modified since manufacture in a way so as to materially detract from its aesthetic characteristics or its fitness for human habitation, specifically including fire safety.
ii. Additional structures. Cabanas, carports, patios, ramadas, utility closets, garages, and screened or glassed rooms shall be allowed in connection with manufactured home units.
iii. Skirting requirements. Manufactured housing unit shall be installed with skirting around the entire perimeter of the unit, from the lower edge of the unit to the ground, and skirting materials shall be similar in texture or appearance to a masonry product or to the materials used on the exterior of the unit.
h. Park administration.
i. It shall be the responsibility of the park owner and manager to ensure compliance with the provisions of this section.
ii. Manufactured home park spaces shall be rented or leased only.
iii. The management shall be held responsible for alterations and additions to the manufactured home park and the manufactured home units and shall confirm that all required permits and inspections are obtained.
iv. The owner of the park shall be responsible for maintaining the park free of brush, leaves, and weeds.
v. The owner of the park shall be responsible for ensuring that combustible materials are not stowed in, around, or under manufactured home units.
vi. The owner, operator, resident manager, or similar supervisor or representative shall be available and responsible for the direct management of the manufactured home park on a daily basis.
H. R-UMS: Residential–Uptown McCulloch Main Street.
1. Purpose. This district is the residential component of the Uptown McCulloch Main Street (UMS) area. It is intended to provide for a broad mix of medium- to high- density residential development near the portion of McCulloch Boulevard recognized as Lake Havasu City’s “Main Street.” This district is intended to encourage creative investment and densification of the area surrounding Uptown McCulloch Boulevard to encourage additional nighttime activity, spur economic development, and further distinguish this area as the city center. The principal land use is residential and all residential uses are permitted, as listed in Table 3-1 (Permitted Use Table).
Lot Standards |
Lot Standards | |
Minimum lot area | N/A |
Minimum lot width | N/A |
Minimum lot depth | N/A |
Maximum lot coverage | N/A |
Minimum density | 15 Units/Acre |
Maximum density | N/A |
Building Standards | |
Minimum depth front yard | 10 ft. |
Minimum % of front property line to be occupied by building | 60% |
Minimum width of side yard | General: 3 ft. Corner: 0 ft. Reverse: 0 ft. |
Minimum depth of rear yard | General: 10 ft. Reverse: 0 ft. |
Maximum height of primary building | 42 ft. |
This Table is a summary of selected standards; refer to Article IV Dimension Standards, for additional regulations. | |
2. Examples.
3. Illustration.
4. Other standards.
a. General. All development shall comply with all other applicable regulations in this Development Code including, without limitation, the permitted use regulations in Article III and the form and development regulations in Article IV.
b. Building and site design. All development shall comply with the following standards:
i. At least 50% of the footprint of structures with dwelling units shall be at least 2 stories in height where structures exceeding 18 feet in height are allowed.
ii. Any structure facing a right-of-way shall include architectural enhancements such as pop-outs, decorative stone, porches or stoops, or similar features on its street-facing elevation.
iii. Any main door facing the right-of-way shall have a minimum 3-foot-wide sidewalk directly linking the structure to the street.
I. R-CHD: Residential–Commercial and Health District.
1. Purpose. This district is the residential component of the Commercial and Health area. It is intended to provide for a wide variety of medium to high density residential development adjacent to the existing and future health care facilities on lower McCulloch Boulevard to accommodate both health care professionals and the senior population interested in living near to the medical and other basic services in the adjacent C-CHD District. The principal land uses in this district are residential and long-term medical care facilities, as listed in Table 3-1 (Permitted Use Table).
Lot Standards | |
Minimum lot area | N/A |
Minimum lot width | N/A |
Minimum lot depth | N/A |
Maximum lot coverage | N/A |
Minimum density | 15 Units/Acre |
Maximum density | N/A |
Building Standards | |
Minimum depth front yard | 10 ft. |
Minimum % of front property line to be occupied by building | 60% |
Minimum width of side yard | General: 3 ft. Corner: 0 ft. Reverse: 0 ft. |
Minimum depth of rear yard | General: 10 ft. Reverse: 0 ft. |
Maximum height of primary building | 42 ft. |
This Table is a summary of selected standards; refer to Article IV Dimension Standards, for additional regulations. | |
2. Examples.
3. Illustration.
4. Other standards.
a. General. All development shall comply with all other applicable regulations in this Development Code, including without limitation the permitted use regulations in Article III and the form and development regulations in Article IV.
b. Building and site design. All development shall comply with the following standards:
i. At least 50% of the footprint of structures with dwelling units shall be at least 2 stories in height where structures exceeding 18 feet in height are allowed.
ii. Any structure facing a right-of-way shall include architectural enhancements such as pop-outs, decorative stone, porches or stoops, or similar features on its street-facing elevation.
iii. Any main door facing the right-of-way shall have a minimum 3-foot-wide sidewalk directly linking the structure to the street.
J. R-SGD: Residential–Southgate District.
1. Purpose. This district is the residential component of the Southgate area. It is intended to provide for high-density residential development adjacent to the prominent Southgate Commercial corridor along Highway 95 at the city’s southern entrance. The highly visible location of this gateway residential district presents unique development opportunities and constraints. The development standards are intended to preserve the character of existing neighborhoods while encouraging creative and distinct reinvestment and densification of this character. Facilitating safe and convenient multimodal connections between these gateway neighborhoods and the Southgate Commercial District is a key site design principal. The primary land uses in this district are residential and community service, as listed in Table 3-1 (Permitted Use Table).
Lot Standards |
Lot Standards | |
Minimum lot area | N/A |
Minimum lot width | N/A |
Minimum lot depth | N/A |
Maximum lot coverage | N/A |
Maximum density | N/A |
Building Standards | |
Minimum depth front yard | 10 ft. |
Minimum % of front property line to be occupied by building | 60% |
Minimum width of side yard | General: 3 ft. Corner: 0 ft. Reverse: 0 ft. |
Minimum depth of rear yard | General: 10 ft. Reverse: 0 ft. |
Maximum height of primary building | 42 ft. |
This Table is a summary of selected standards; refer to Article IV Dimension Standards, for additional regulations. | |
2. Examples.
3. Illustration.
4. Other standards. All development shall comply with all other applicable regulations in this Development Code including, without limitation, the permitted use regulations in Article III and the form and development regulations in Article IV.
(Ord. 24-1340, passed 8-13-2024; Ord. 24-1337, passed 7-9-2024; Ord. 22-1288, passed 5-24-2022; Ord. 22-1285, passed 4-12-2022;Ord. 16-1411, passed 2-23-2016)
A. MU-N: Mixed Use–Neighborhood.
1. Purpose. This district is intended to accommodate a variety of convenient commercial, small-business, and personal or visitor-friendly services integrated with residential uses, in or near residential neighborhoods. District standards promote quality design approaches that respect and reflect nearby residential areas and encourage pedestrian-oriented local services with walkable connections to the surrounding neighborhoods. The principal uses are small-scale residential, commercial, and office, as provided in Table 3-1 (Permitted Use Table).
Lot Standards | |
Minimum lot area | 2,000 sq. ft |
Minimum lot width | N/A |
Minimum lot depth | N/A |
Maximum lot coverage | 60% |
Maximum density | N/A |
Building Standards | |
Minimum depth front yard | 0 ft. |
Minimum % of front property line to be occupied by building | N/A |
Minimum width of side yard | 0 ft. |
Minimum depth of rear yard | 0 ft. |
Maximum height of primary building | 25 ft. |
This Table is a summary of selected standards; refer to Article IV Dimension Standards, for additional regulations. | |
2. Examples.
3. Illustration.
4. Other standards.
a. General. All development shall comply with all other applicable regulations in this Development Code including, without limitation, the permitted use regulations in Article III and the form and development regulations in Article IV.
b. Building and site design. All development shall comply with the following standards:
i. A primary building must have at least 1 operable pedestrian door leading directly from the primary building onto a sidewalk. For primary buildings located on corner lots, the required pedestrian entrance may be located on the primary street façade or at the corner where the 2 streets intersect.
ii. Ground floor street frontages on each primary building may not be occupied by residential uses but may be occupied by a lobby or entrance to residential portions of the building.
iii. At least 50% of the building front façade area between 3 and 8 feet above grade shall be of windows or other transparent materials allowing views into the building.
iv. No on-site loading requirements shall be required.
v. Curb cuts shall only be permitted if access cannot be provided from an alley. Where curb cuts are permitted, they shall not exceed 24 feet in width.
B. MU-G: Mixed Use–General.
1. Purpose. This district is intended to provide for a broad range of medium to high-intensity commercial uses, including retail, office, service, and resort-related facilities, integrated with high-density multi-family residential uses, with densities of up to 40 dwelling units/acre. Development standards facilitate pedestrian connections between residential and non-residential uses. The principal land uses are commercial, service, and recreational activities, as well as high-density residential, as provided in Table 3-1 (Permitted Use Table).
Lot Standards |
Lot Standards | |
Minimum lot area | 2,000 sq. ft |
Minimum lot width | N/A |
Minimum lot depth | N/A |
Maximum lot coverage | N/A |
Maximum density | 40 du/ac |
Building Standards | |
Minimum depth front yard | 0 ft. |
Minimum % of front property line to be occupied by building | N/A |
Minimum width of side yard | 0 ft. |
Minimum depth of rear yard | 0 ft. |
Maximum height of primary building | 30 ft. |
This Table is a summary of selected standards; refer to Article IV Dimension Standards, for additional regulations. | |
2. Examples.
3. Illustration.
4. Other standards.
a. General. All development shall comply with all other applicable regulations in this Development Code including, without limitation, the permitted use regulations in Article III and the form and development regulations in Article IV.
b. Additional development standards. All development shall comply with the following standards:
i. The primary building must have at least 1 operable pedestrian door leading directly from the primary building onto a sidewalk. For primary buildings located on corner lots, the required pedestrian entrance may be located on the primary street façade or at the corner where the 2 streets intersect.
ii. At least 65% of the primary building frontage must be built no further than 20 feet from the front lot line.
iii. If the building is located on a corner lot, at least 40% of the secondary building frontage must be built no further than 20 feet from the side lot line adjacent to the secondary street.
C. MU-UMS: Mixed Use–Uptown McCulloch Main Street.
1. Purpose. This district is the mixed use component of the Uptown McCulloch Main Street (UMS) area. It is intended to provide for a wide and flexible variety of commercial, office, personal service, and residential uses along Lake Havasu City’s “Main Street,” and to encourage walkability and non-vehicular connections with the adjacent R-UMS District. The development standards are designed to respect the existing district character while also encouraging new and innovative forms of development. The principal land uses to be integrated in this district include commercial, office, personal and community service, and residential, as provided in Table 3-1 (Permitted Use Table).
Lot Standards | |
Minimum lot area | N/A |
Minimum lot width | N/A |
Minimum lot depth | N/A |
Maximum lot coverage | N/A |
Maximum density | N/A |
Building Standards | |
Minimum depth front yard | 0 ft. |
Minimum % of front property line to be occupied by building | McCulloch: 0 ft. Swanson & Mesquite: 10 ft. |
Minimum width of side yard | 0 ft. |
Minimum depth of rear yard | 0 ft. |
Maximum height of primary building | 60 ft. |
This Table is a summary of selected standards; refer to Article IV Dimension Standards, for additional regulations. | |
2. Examples.
3. Illustration.
4. Other standards.
a. General. All development shall comply with all other applicable regulations in this Development Code, including without limitation the permitted use regulations in Article III and the form and development regulations in Article IV.
b. N. McCulloch Boulevard. All development with frontage on North McCulloch Boulevard shall comply with the following standards:
i. Siting. All main floor businesses that front to N. McCulloch Boulevard shall have a primary entrance facing the street.
ii. Elements.
(A) No neon or LED building accents are allowed.
(B) Each building is required to have an arcade, awning, canopy, colonnade, or similar type feature facing N. McCulloch Boulevard.
(C) Architectural features that require a column support must extend over the sidewalk area in front of the building 8 feet but no closer than 2 feet to face of curb and be a minimum of 12 feet in height.
(D) Architectural features that do not require a column support can extend over the sidewalk area in front of the building up to 10 feet but no closer than 2 feet to face of curb and be a minimum of 12 feet in height.
(E) Upper levels of the buildings may have balconies above 15 feet in height and not exceeding a depth of 5 feet.
c. Mesquite and Swanson Avenues. All development along Mesquite and Swanson Avenues shall comply with the following standards:
i. Siting.
(A) At least 65% of the front building line of each primary building must be built not more than 10 feet from property lines along the Mesquite or Swanson Avenue frontage, as applicable.
(B) Corner buildings must have their primary entrance face either Mesquite or Swanson Avenue, as applicable, or the corner where one of those streets intersects a side street.
ii. Elements.
(A) Each primary building facade facing a public or private street shall have prominent cornice and expression lines and windows. Expression lines and cornices may be in the form of decorative molding or jogs in the surface plane of the building.
(B) No neon or LED building accents are allowed.
(C) Upper levels of the buildings may have balconies above 15 feet in height.
D. MU-CRW: Mixed Use–Channel Riverwalk District.
1. Purpose. This district is intended to provide for a mixture of commercial, resort-related, and medium to high density residential uses in the Bridgewater Channel area. District regulations are designed to preserve the district’s striking natural, historic, and recreational resources while encouraging a unique combination of innovative mixed use development that attracts full-time residents and visitors, and to encourage pedestrian and visual access to the shoreline and water-based activities. The principal uses are commercial, resort-related, including shoreline- and water-based uses, and medium to high density residential, as provided in the Table 3-1 (Permitted Use Table).
Lot Standards | |
Minimum lot area | N/A |
Minimum lot width | N/A |
Minimum lot depth | N/A |
Maximum lot coverage | N/A |
Maximum density | N/A |
Building Standards | |
Minimum depth front yard | See § 14.02.04(D)(4). |
Minimum width of side yard | |
Minimum depth of rear yard | |
Maximum height of primary building | 60 ft. |
This Table is a summary of selected standards; refer to Article IV Dimension Standards, for additional regulations. | |
2. Example.
3. Illustration.
4. Other standards.
a. All development shall comply with all other applicable regulations in this Development Code including, without limitation, the permitted use regulations in Article III and the form and development regulations in Article IV.
b. Enclosed structures shall be setback from the property line along the channel or 450 elevation line at a ratio of 1 foot of building height to1 foot of setback for the first 40 feet. Additional height above 40 feet will be allowed at a ratio of 1 foot of building height for every 1/2 foot of setback. Parking garages shall be setback a minimum of 100 feet inland from the channel or 450 foot elevation line, whichever is greater.
c. Enclosed structures and parking garages shall be setback a minimum of 10 feet from all right-of-way property lines. Additional height above 40 feet will be setback at a ratio of 1 foot of building height for every 1/2 foot of setback measured from the 10 foot right-of-way setback line. Parking garages shall be setback a minimum of 100 feet inland from the channel or 450 foot elevation line, whichever is greater.
(Ord. 18-1203, passed 8-14-2018; Ord. 16-1141, passed 2-23-2016)