A. Minimum requirements. All provisions in this Development Code shall be considered to be minimum requirements, unless stated otherwise.
B. Rounding. Where provisions of this Development Code require calculations to determine applicable requirements, any fractional/decimal results of the calculations may be rounded as provided by this division B. Lot area shall not be rounded up or down.
1. Residential density, minimum lot area, and number of lots. The fractional/decimal results of calculations of the number of dwelling units allowed on a lot based on maximum density requirements, and the number of lots allowed through subdivision based on a minimum lot area requirement, shall be rounded down to the next lowest whole number.
2. All other calculations. For all calculations required by this Development Code other than those described in division B.1. above, the fractional/decimal results of calculations shall be rounded to the next highest whole number when the fraction/decimal is 0.5 or more, and to the next lowest whole number when the fraction is less than 0.5.
C. Heights.
1. Buildings and structures. Maximum height of buildings and structures not addressed in division C.2. below shall be measured as the vertical distance from approved grade to an imaginary plane located the allowed number of feet above and parallel to the average lot grade.

2. Fences, walls, and hedges. Measurement of height for fences and walls shall be determined as follows:

a. The height of a fence or wall shall be measured vertically from the adjacent finished grade on the interior side of the wall. If a fence or wall is placed on a berm, the height shall be measured vertically from the base of the berm. Pool enclosure fences shall comply with applicable requirements of the adopted building code.
Raising the finished grade by placing fill solely for the purpose of adding additional height to a fence or wall is prohibited. Planter boxes or similar landscape features may be allowed along a fence or wall; however the height for the fence or wall will be measured vertically from the base of the planter box or similar landscape feature.
D. Setbacks. Setbacks shall be measured as follows:
1. The front yard setback shall be measured at right angles from the nearest point on the front property line to the nearest wall of the structure, except as follows:
a. The measurement shall be taken from the nearest point of the structure to the nearest point of the property line adjoining the street to which the property is addressed and the street from which access to the property is taken. Whenever a future street right-of-way line is officially established, the required setback shall be measured from the established line(s).
b. The measurement shall be taken from the nearest wall of the structure to the point where the access strip meets the bulk of the parcel, establishing a building line parallel to the lot line nearest the public street or right-of-way.

2. The side yard setback shall be measured at right angles from the nearest point on the side property line to the nearest wall of the structure, establishing a setback line parallel to the side property line that extends between the front and rear yards.
3. The side yard on the street side of a corner parcel shall be measured at right angles from the nearest point on the street side property line to the nearest wall of the structure.
4. The rear yard shall be measured at right angles from the nearest point on the rear property line to the nearest wall of the structure, establishing a setback line parallel to the rear property line that extends between the side yards.
5. In situations different from the above, the Zoning Administrator shall have the authority to determine how setbacks shall be measured.

E. Lot or site coverage. The percentage of total site area occupied by structures. Structure or building coverage includes the primary structure, all accessory structures and architectural features. Structure/building coverage is measured from exterior wall to exterior wall.
F. Lot width. The horizontal distance between the side lot lines, measured at right angles to the lot depth at a point midway between the front and rear lot lines. The Zoning Administrator shall determine lot width for lots of irregular shape.
G. Floor area. The total enclosed floor area of all floors of the building (including mezzanines), measured from the exterior faces of exterior walls and from the center line of walls separating buildings, including lobbies, common areas, elevator shafts, stairwells, mechanical or equipment rooms, common corridors, building amenity areas, storage areas, enclosed garages and any other fully enclosed spaces of the building, whether leased to tenants or not. Gross floor area shall exclude rooftops, plazas, covered walkways, covered parking areas, outdoor dining or market areas, balconies, porches, terraces, loading docks, roof overhangs, and any other non-enclosed areas.
H. Sign area. The entire area within a perimeter defined by a continuous line composed of right angles using no more than 4 lines that enclose the extreme limits of lettering, logo, trademark, or other graphic representation.
I. Sign height. The vertical distance from the uppermost point used in measuring the area of a sign to the average grade immediately below the sign, including its base or the top of the nearest curb of the street on which the sign fronts, whichever measurement is the greatest.
(Ord. 16-1141, passed 2-23-2016)