There will be an extra strength charge for users that discharge extra strength waste.
(A) EXTRA STRENGTH WASTE is defined as waste having either a BOD concentration greater than 225 mg/l or a suspended solids concentration greater than 215 mg/l, or both BOD and suspended solids concentration greater than specified.
(B) The following formula will be used to compute the extra strength service charge for BOD and SS.
CBOD = (W-225) x (.0083 F) x VC-BOD
CSS = (W-215) x (.0083 F) x VC-SS
CBOD = Extra strength service charge for BOD
CSS = Extra strength service charge for SS
W = Extra strength waste in milligrams per liter
F = Water used in 1000s of gallons
VCBOD = Unit cost for BOD for treatment + replacement + debt service
VCSS = Unit cost for SS for treatment + replacement + debt service
(C) Establishments not providing automatic waste monitoring equipment will be assessed on the basis of BOD and SS as determined by analysis of a 24 hour composite sample collected annually by the Superintendent. The waste producer may be required to provide a suitable point for metering and sample collection and shall cooperate in every way with the Superintendent. Where it is not feasible to obtain a single representative sample, the Superintendent may compute a theoretical waste strength based upon similar establishments. Where it is evident that a constituent of the waste significantly inhibits the standard analysis for BOD, the charges may be assessed on the basis of the TOC analysis. For the purpose of computation, the BOD shall be assumed to be equivalent to 1.8 times the TOC.
(Ord. 174, passed 1-7-1985)