(A)   The ambulance service that was in place at the time that this subchapter was enacted is continued. The City Council may at any time determine by resolution to discontinue the existence of the ambulance service. The head of the Ambulance Service shall be known as the Ambulance Director and shall be appointed by the City Council. The Ambulance Director shall be an employee of the city. The City Council may chose and appoint additional employees for the ambulance service. The ambulance service shall also contain volunteers, the number of volunteers shall be fixed by the City Council. Members of the ambulance service shall be appointed by the City Council. The compensation to be paid to members of the service shall be determined by the City Council.
   (B)   All members of the ambulance service shall meet minimum standards for licensing as established by the State of Minnesota and/or Federal Government. All members shall retain licenses during their service for the city.
(Ord. 2023-02, passed 5-15-2023)