Where district regulations allow any signs or advertising devices, the following regulations shall apply.
   (A)   Advertising devices.
      (1)   Minimum setback restrictions as set out in § 154.069(A) shall not apply to advertising devices.
      (2)   Advertising devices may be permitted in the following zones, provided the requirements in division (A)(4) below are met:
         (a)   Any B Zone;
         (b)   Any HS Zone;
         (c)   Any M Zone; and
         (d)   Any A Zone by special exception.
      (3)   Advertising devices shall not be permitted in any of the following zones:
         (a)   Any C Zone;
         (b)   Any R Zone;
         (c)   Any PO Zone;
         (d)   Any PUD Zone; and
         (e)   Any PIC Zone.
      (4)   No advertising device shall be permitted:
         (a)   Within ten feet of the existing right-of-way or easement of any street;
         (b)   Within 300 feet of any dwelling or land platted or divided for residential use, school, church, park, or place of public assembly;
         (c)   Within 1,320 feet of another advertising device located on the same side of a four-lane (or more) state, federal, or county street;
         (d)   Within 600 feet of another advertising device located on the same side of a two-lane state, federal, or county street;
         (e)   Within 2,640 feet of another advertising device located on the same side of a limited access street;
         (f)   For the purpose of division (c) and (d) above, series 1 to 6 signs, each of an area of no greater than six square feet and spaced at least 100 feet apart, which are designed to be read in sequence to convey a single message, shall be considered as one advertising device and the spacing distance between such a series of signs and the advertising devices specified in divisions (A)(4)(c) and (d) above shall be measured from the first and last sign in the series; and
         (g)   There shall be no distance of separation requirement for advertising devices in the following zones:
            1.   B-1 Zone;
            2.   B-2 Zone;
            3.   B-3 Zone;
            4.   BP-1 Zone;
            5.   BP-2 Zone; and
            6.   BP-3 Zone.
      (5)   The following advertising devices shall be permitted in any zone.
         (a)   Signs not over 12 square feet in area advertising the sale of farm products produced on the premises may be permitted in any zone.
         (b)   Advertising devices advertising only the sale, rental, or lease of the building or premises on which it is maintained, provided, however, the device shall not exceed 50 square feet in area.
         (c)   Advertising devices advertising the sale of dwellings or lots located in a platted of record subdivision are permitted on a temporary basis, until 95% of the dwellings or lots are completed or sold, provided, however, the restriction of division (A)(4)(a) above of this section is met.
      (6)   Advertising devices may contain not more than two signs per facing, nor more than two sides per the device.
      (7)   Every permit for an advertising device shall require the removal of the device within 60 days upon notice by the Commission Secretary that the land upon which the device is located has been platted or divided for residential use, or lies within 300 feet of lands platted or divided for residential use, or within 300 feet of a dwelling house for which a building and zoning permit for a residence has been issued. Before a building and zoning permit shall be issued by the Commission Secretary, the owner or person entitled to the possession of the land, and the owner of the device, shall consent in writing to the Commission Secretary that he or she shall have the right and permission to remove the device at the owner's expense, if his or her order to remove the device has not been complied with.
   (B)   Miscellaneous signs.
      (1)   Farm products. Signs not over 12 square feet in area advertising the sale of farm products produced on the premises may be permitted in any zone.
      (2)   Name plate or signs in R-1, R-2, R-3 Zones. One name plate for each dwelling unit, excluding illuminated signs of the flashing or animated type, not exceeding one and one-half square feet in area, indicating the name of the occupant or any permitted occupation may be permitted. Unlighted signs not exceeding a total of 21 square feet pertaining to the prospective rental or sale of the property on which they are located may be permitted; provided that the signs shall be located not less than 15 feet behind the front or side lot line except where affixed to the wall of the building and not extending over the sidewalk.
      (3)   Name plate or signs in R-3 and R-5 Zones. One identification sign not exceeding 12 square feet in area for multiple dwellings may be permitted, provided that such sign shall be located not less than 15 feet behind the front or side lot line except where it is affixed to the wall of the building and does not extend over the sidewalk.
      (4)   Miscellaneous. One entrance sign conforming to the height regulations in the appropriate zone may be erected for the following businesses and their accessory uses.
         (a)   Filling stations;
         (b)   Mobile home parks;
         (c)   Mobile home sale agencies;
         (d)   Drive-in businesses and theatres;
         (e)   Motels and tourist courts; and
         (f)   Other businesses approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals, requiring special traffic provisions.
      (5)   Signs in PO (Professional Office) District. Signs in the PO District shall be limited to one illuminated, two-faced sign, architecturally integrated with the building provided it does not exceed 12 feet in height and 25 square feet in area.
      (6)   Signs in B-1, B-2, B-3, and M-1 Zones. Signs in B-1, B-2, B-3, and M-1 Zones, provided that when they are located within 75 feet of an R Zone Boundary line, they shall be affixed to or a part of a building, may not extend over any street line nor project above the roof line, and shall pertain only to a use conducted within the building. The size shall be limited to three square feet of area to each front foot of the building displaying the sign.
(Prior Code, § 154.038) (Ord. passed 4-15-1957) Penalty, see § 154.999