(a)   Standard Specifications and applicable county ordinances. All construction shall be performed in the manner prescribed in the current edition of Standard Specifications of the State Highway Department of Indiana and in the manner prescribed in any subsequent and applicable county ordinance. In any instance where conflicting requirements may appear between Standard Specifications and applicable county ordinance, the county ordinance regulation shall be binding. At minimum, all streets shall be construed with 10 inches of compacted aggregate base, plus 2 and 1/2 inches of M.A.C. Binder Course, and 1 and 1/2 inches of M.A.C. Surface Course. A Tensar Geo Grid or other equivalent material shall be placed immediately below the 10-inch compacted aggregate base. All subterranean construction below street pavements shall be backfilled with a material approved by the Lake County Highway Engineer. Prior to placing the street-surfacing, adequate sub-surface drainage for the street shall be provided where necessary. Concrete pavement (rigid pavement) can be used by the subdivider. Minimum requirements for concrete pavement shall be a 6-inch concrete slab on top of a 2-inch sand pad. In the event the subdivider elects to use concrete pavement, he shall submit 3 copies of a construction plan to the Plat Officer and shall have this plan approved by the county inspecting officials before concrete street construction is begun.
   (b)   Figures in § 153.052. See Figures 1 and 2 following § 153.052(K)(4).
   (c)   Construction requirements, cul-de-sac streets, minor streets and marginal streets; surfacing. Cul-de-sac streets, minor streets, and marginal streets built without curb and gutter shall be surfaced to a minimum width of 24 feet. A road shoulder on both sides of the pavement shall be constructed to a width of 8 feet, and the slope on the shoulder shall be 1/2 inch per foot. Where roadside swales are constructed, the side slopes shall not be of a steeper gradient than 3 feet of horizontal measurement to one foot of vertical measurement; furthermore, the subdivider shall demonstrate to the Commission what means he will employ to preserve the slope and maintain continuous flow of stormwater in the roadside swales.
   (d)   Construction requirements, collector streets and secondary streets; Figures in § 153.052. Collector streets and secondary streets built without curb and gutter shall be built as specified in Figures 1 and 2 following § 153.052(K)(4), except that the paved surface shall be a minimum of 24 feet in width, and the road shoulder shall be stabilized in a manner approved by the Highway Superintendent.
   (e)   Cul-de-sacs. Cul-de-sacs shall meet all requirements for a minor street; however, the pavement diameter shall be not less than 120 feet.
   (f)   Alleys. Alleys provided to serve business, commercial, or industrial uses shall be constructed in accordance with the street specifications; however, the paved surface may be only 20 feet.
   (g)   Curb and gutter. Concrete curb and gutter shall be provided along the outside edge of all street pavements in subdivisions where the density of development (as defined in this chapter) is 1.0 or greater. In any case, curb and gutter shall be required for any subdivision within a two-mile radius of a duly incorporated municipality.
(Prior Code, App. D) (Ord. 1670, passed 6-11-1996)