(1)   Under authority provided by Chapter 174, Acts of 1947, enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana and ordinance adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Lake, Indiana, this plat was given by the County of Lake as follows:
Approved by the County Plan Commission at a meeting held on                 
Executive Secretary
   (2)   Each secondary plat submitted to the Commission for approval shall carry a certificate signed by a Registered Professional Engineer or Land Surveyor in substantially the following form:
"I, (name), hereby certify that I am a Professional Engineer (or a Land Surveyor), licensed in compliance with the laws of the State of Indiana; that this plat correctly represents a survey completed by me on (date), that all monuments shown thereon actually exist; and that their location, size, type and material are accurately shown."
   (3)   Each secondary plat submitted to the Commission for approval shall carry a deed of dedication in substantially the following form:
"We, the undersigned, (names), owners of real estate shown and described herein, do hereby certify that we have laid off, platted and subdivided, and do hereby lay off, plat and subdivide real estate in accordance with the within plat. This subdivision shall be known and designated as (name) All streets, alleys, parks and other public lands shown and not heretofore dedicated, are hereby established as shown on this plat, between which lines and the property lines of the street, there shall be erected or maintained no building structure."
WITNESS OUR HANDS AND SEALS THIS            DAY OF          20    ,
Before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the County of Lake, State of Indiana, appeared (names) and each separately and severally acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument as his or her voluntary act and deed, for the purpose therein expressed.
Witness my hand and Notarial Seal this       day of            , 20      .
   (Notary Public)
   (4)   Certificate of Maintenance Responsibility. By acceptance of this Plat, the County assumes no liability for maintenance on drainage swales, ditches and tiles, roadside ditches, storm and sanitary sewers, septic systems, retention and detention ponds, overflow pipes, and park areas found on the entire plat.
   (5)   Utility Easement. An easement is hereby granted to the County of Lake, all public utility companies including Ameritech and Northern Indiana Public Service Company severally, and private utility companies where they have a "Certificate of Territorial Authority" to render service, and their respective successors and assigns, to install, place, and maintain sewers, water mains, gas mains, conduits, cables, poles and wires either overhead or underground with all necessary braces, guys, anchors, and other appliances in, upon, and along and over the strips of land designated on the plat and marked "Utility Basement" for the purpose of serving the public in general with sewer, water, gas, electric and telephone service, including the right to use the streets where necessary, and to overland lots with aerial service wires to serve adjacent lots, together with the right to enter upon the said easements for public utilities at all times for any and all the purposes aforesaid and to trim and keep trimmed any trees, shrubs, or saplings that interfere with any such utility equipment. No permanent buildings shall be placed on said easement, but same may be used for gardens, shrub, landscaping, and other purposes that do not interfere with the use of said easement for such public utility purpose.
   (6)   Drainage Easement. An easement is hereby granted to the County of Lake for the installation of a drainage swale, ditch, or waterway upon and along the strip or strips of land designated on the plat and marked "Drainage Basement" for the purpose of handling the stormwater run-off.
   (7)   Regulated Drain Easement (where appropriate.)
The easement marked and designated herein as (name of regulated drain) under the jurisdiction of the Lake County Drainage Board and the Lake County Surveyor as defined under I.C. 35-9-27-33. No building, fences, structures, alterations, grading, discharging, irrigating or the like are permitted uses within said designated easement without written approval of the Lake County Surveyor.
   (8)   The following certificate is to be placed on Secondary Subdivision Plats that are located less than one mile from any farm containing any agricultural activity that may prove offensive to some individuals. It is the intent of this certificate that all agricultural activities allowed under the Lake County, Indiana, zoning ordinance be permitted to commence or continue and that the placement of any subdivision in an area where these types of agricultural activities are allowed not hinder their continued agricultural pursuits:
Owners of lots within the above titled subdivision are advised that the land contained herein is surrounded, bordered, or in the vicinity of tracts or parcels of land that may be used for agricultural purposes. Prospective purchasers or lot owners are advised that the keeping of livestock, tillage, care of crops, and all operations appurtenant thereto are likely, expected, and considered to be proper activities in an agricultural community.
   (9)   Each Secondary/Final Plat submitted to the Commission for approval shall carry a certificate to be signed by an Indiana Professional Land Surveyor, authorized to certify and verify the subdivision boundary closure on behalf of the Lake County Surveyor’s Office in substantially the following form:
   This is to certify that I have checked the exterior comer monuments and verified the boundary closure of the above plat.
   (Name of Professional Land Surveyor), R.L.S. for (Name of the Lake County Surveyor),
   Lake County Surveyor
(Prior Code, App. B) (Ord. 1670, passed 6-11-1996; Ord. 1670A, passed 7-8-2003; Ord. 1670A-1, passed 8-12-2003; Ord. 1670A-3, passed 12-9-2003; Ord. 2462, passed 6-9-2015)