(A)   Organization of county officials and specifications. The following offices are concerned with the administration of this chapter and are also referred to herein as checkpoint agencies.
   (B)   Offices and functions. For purposes of clarity, these offices and some of their pertinent functions are listed as follows.
      (1)   Lake County Plan Commission functions include, but are not limited to, the review of the sketch plan, primary plat, and secondary plat and the exercise of responsibilities provided in this chapter. There is hereby created the position of Plat Officer. The Executive Secretary of the County Plan Commission, or his or her appointed representative, is hereby designated to be the Plat Officer. The Plat Officer shall administer the provisions of this chapter and, in addition thereto, and in furtherance of said authority, he or she shall:
         (a)   Maintain permanent and current records of this chapter, including amendments hereto;
         (b)   Receive and file all sketch plans, primary plats and secondary plats (together with applications);
         (c)   Identify with the Plan Commission, stamp seal all copies of the sketch plan, primary plat, and secondary plat, and authorize the subdivider or his or her agent to deliver copies to other appropriate agencies for their recommendations and reports;
         (d)   Assimilate all comments, recommendations and review from the applicable checkpoint agencies and make recommendations for action to the Plan Commission on every subdivision plat, primary or secondary, which the Commission is to consider. The recommendations will be either for approval, disapproval, or continuance. Reasons for the recommendation shall be clearly stated;
         (e)   Receive and file copies of all secondary plats and check their compliance with the primary plat;
         (f)   Receive as-built plans, as outlined in § 153.078, and forward such plans to the proper governmental departments;
         (g)   Inspect and make recommendations concerning approval or disapproval of streets and improvements in accordance with the provisions of this chapter; and
         (h)   Make all other determinations required of him or her by the regulations herein.
      (2)   The Lake County Highway Department Superintendent shall:
         (a)   Make recommendations on street design and on storm drainage details in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and as required by applicable county ordinance;
         (b)   Make inspections of streets and improvements during their construction in accordance with the provisions of this chapter;
         (c)   Inspect and make recommendations concerning approval or disapproval of streets and improvements in accordance with the provisions of this chapter; and
         (d)   Make cost recommendations for appropriate bonds.
      (3)   The Lake County Surveyor's Office (County Surveyor) shall:
         (a)   Check and verify the boundary closure on all subdivisions;
         (b)   Verify the installation of subdivision boundary monuments in accordance with the provisions of this chapter;
         (c)   Inspect and make recommendations on all subdivision engineering and construction plans, especially storm drainage plans in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and in accordance with any other duly adopted ordinance involving storm drainage and/or sediment control;
         (d)   Review and make recommendations on all development, engineering, and construction plans regarding the establishment of property owners associations or other methods to provide proper maintenance of stormwater systems and improvements; and
         (e)   Establish cost and administration of appropriate bonds, including bonds for construction and/or maintenance of stormwater systems and improvements, including but not limited to detention and retention ponds.
      (4)   The Lake County Health Department (County Health Officer) shall make recommendations in regard to minimum lot size in instances where sewage treatment or domestic water facilities are to be installed separately on each individual lot.
      (5)   The Board of Commissioners of the County of Lake shall:
         (a)   Accept subdivision performance and maintenance bonds or escrow as herein required; and
         (b)   Accept into the county highway system streets and improvements designed and constructed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
      (6)   The Lake County Recorder's Office shall:
         (a)   Be responsible for recording of the secondary subdivision plat;
         (b)   Prepare copies of recorded document to be forwarded to appropriate county offices.
      (7)   The Lake County Auditors Office shall:
         (a)   Be responsible for records concerning platting of subdivision lots; and
         (b)   Prepare certified lists of adjacent property owners.
      (8)   The Lake County Soil and Water Conservation District of Lake County shall: review sketch plans and primary plats of proposed subdivisions and comment on the plans in regard to accuracy of soil information, watershed, prime agricultural land, erosion factors, or any other pertinent information.
(Prior Code, § 153.096) (Ord. 1670, passed 6-11-1996)