Before obtaining primary approval the subdivider, if he or she wishes to continue, shall submit four copies of engineering plans and specifications prepared by a civil engineer registered in the State of Indiana. Plans shall be drawn at a scale of no more than one inch equals 50 feet, and map sheets shall be of the same size as the primary plat. The following shall be shown:
   (A)   Street plans showing curb and gutter (if required), proposed rights-of-way, pavement widths, and the estimated percent of gradient. Final street grades are required at this point. Soil borings and C.B.R.s (California Bearing Ratio) shall be taken if required by the County Highway Superintendent;
   (B)   All driveways and entrance culverts are to be shown;
   (C)   Proposed layout of the sanitary sewer system. Final details need not be made on this submission;
   (D)   Proposed layout of water supply and distribution. Final details need not be made on this submission;
   (E)   Storm drainage proposals which shall include the location of all storm inlets, manholes, underground storm lines, and open channel flows; the type and sizing of all storm lines and open channels; the invert elevations at all junctions; a delineation of watershed areas which specify their acreage and a calculation of all surface water entering from adjacent lands onto the proposed subdivision; a computation sheet with the above information recorded thereon as required by the Plat Officer;
   (F)   A water management plan to include both disposition of surface drainage and, where needed, provision for sub-surface drainage to drain high water table soils;
   (G)   An erosion and sediment control plan, the plan to include both temporary and permanent erosion control measures where needed to stabilize on-site soils and prevent off-site pollution of waters and/or damage to land. This plan shall comply with 327 I.A.C. Art. 5;
   (H)   Sidewalk plan showing the location of the walks;
   (I)   Public utility locations;
   (J)   Contours at vertical intervals of not more than two feet with reference to U.S.G.S. datum; and
   (K)   Any other special requirements which may be necessary for the Plat Officer and Commission to review.
(Prior Code, § 153.082) (Ord. 1670, passed 6-11-1996)