§ 153.092 PRIMARY PLAT.
   (A)   Submission. The primary plat submission shall be legibly drawn on tracing cloth or equal material of good quality at a scale of not smaller than 100 feet to one inch, except that a subdivision of 200 acres or more may be drawn at a scale of 200 feet to one inch, and shall show all required information as the sketch plan, in addition to the following:
      (1)   The length and bearing of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision with reference to a United States Land Survey corner;
      (2)   Contours at vertical intervals of not more than two feet with reference to U.S.G.S. datum;
      (3)   The water elevations of adjoining lakes or streams at the date of the survey and the approximate high and low elevations of the lakes or streams. All elevations shall be referred to U.S.G.S. datum;
      (4)   Any subterranean drainage (this is to be shown as lines on the plat);
      (5)   If the subdivision borders a lake or stream, the distances and bearings of a meander line established not less than 20 feet back from the ordinary highwater mark of the lake or stream; or where regulated drains exist the drain and easement shall be delineated;
      (6)   A wetland boundaries delineation map from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Wetland Inventory, the USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Wetland Inventory or a US Army Corp of Engineers approved delineation;
      (7)   Layout of all new streets and right-of-ways such as alleys, highways, easements for sewers, water mains, drainageways and wetlands, soil erosion control measures, and other public utilities; existing streets, including entrances, on opposite side of streets of adjacent parcels shall also be shown;
      (8)   Direction, size of, and distance to nearest water, sanitary and storm sewer mains;
      (9)   Indication of the gross land area of the subdivision and a computation of the density as defined in this chapter;
      (10)   Dimensions of lots;
      (11)   Areas of lots where individual septic tank installations are proposed;
      (12)   All soil types (see the definition of all soil types in § 153.025) listed in the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) soil survey book of Lake County;
      (13)   Approximate radii of all curves;
      (14)   If deemed necessary by the Plat Officer or Plan Commission, on proposed subdivisions with individual lot sewage disposal systems, information on the following items shall be supplied and attested to by a civil engineer or soil scientist registered in the State of Indiana:
         (a)   Description of soil type to a depth of five feet and soil boring;
         (b)   Statement of topography; and
         (c)   Elevation of the water table.
      (15)   In instances where the subdivider plans to construct a common sewage treatment facility or a common water supply system (or both), the subdivider shall submit evidence to the Plan Commission that the preliminary system plans have been submitted to the Indiana State Board of Health for their action.
   (B)   Ways to show division (A) information. The above information can be shown as additional information on the sketch plan submission, or it can be shown on a new tracing cloth or paper medium, or it can be shown on the engineering plans.
   (C)   Remapping of soil types. Any remapping of soil types must be done by a certified professional soils scientist and must be shown on the plat as two soil lines: the first soil line which corresponds to the soil conservation service (SCS) book and a second soil line indicating the remapping and type of soil.
   (D)   Lot additions or deletions. Should any lots be added or deleted to the primary plat, the soils testing information book should also be revised (e.g., lot #1 on the plat should have corresponding soil boring information for lot #1). Should lot numbers be changed for any reason, the soil information book shall also be changed. This information must be completed and submitted accurately at the primary stage.
   (E)   Soil testing requirements. The Lake County Health Department requires at the primary approval stage all soil testing be completed by a professional soils scientist. The soil boring locations must be marked exactly on each lot of the plat and the soil boring information shall coincide with each lot.
(Prior Code, § 153.081) (Ord. 1670, passed 6-11-1996)