§ 153.091 SKETCH PLAN.
   Sketch plans submitted to the Commission, prepared in pen or pencil, shall be drawn to a convenient scale of not more than 100 feet to an inch and shall show the following information:
   (A)   Legal description of the subdivision;
   (B)   Proposed name;
   (C)   Date, scale, and "North" arrow;
   (D)   Name and address of the owner, subdivider, planner, and engineer or surveyor preparing the plat;
   (E)   A small scale drawing of the section or government subdivision of the section in which the subdivision lies, with the location of the subdivision indicated thereon;
   (F)   Location and names of adjacent subdivisions and the owners of adjoining parcels of unsubdivided land;
   (G)   Present zoning and requested zoning;
   (H)   Location, widths, type of construction of all existing and platted streets, alleys, or other public ways and easements, railroad and utility right-of-ways, parks, cemeteries, watercourses, drainage ditches and wetlands, regulated drains, soil erosion control measures, swamps, low areas subject to flooding, permanent buildings, bridges, and other pertinent data as determined by the Plat Officer.
   (I)   Indication of the gross land area of the subdivision and computation of the density as defined in this chapter;
   (J)   Type of development anticipated on the lots;
   (K)   General statement as to how surface water drainage will be handled;
   (L)   General statement as to how sewage will be treated and how domestic water will be supplied;
   (M)   Topographic information, which may be of a very general nature, such as is obtainable from U.S.G.S. maps or elevations. The topographic information shall be referenced to U.S.G.S. datum;
   (N)   Proposed layout width of all new streets and proposed pavement widths;
   (O)   All soil types (see the definition of all soil types in § 153.025) according to the published soil survey;
   (P)   Approximate location and area of property proposed to be dedicated for public use, or to be reserved by deed covenant, for use of all property owners in the subdivision with the proposed conditions, if any, of such dedication or reservation;
   (Q)   Lot numbers and lot dimensions;
   (R)   If the individual lot sewage disposal systems are proposed in the subdivision, soil maps prepared from the published soil survey showing all soil types (see the definition of all soil types in § 153.025); and
   (S)   Such other information shall be supplied by the subdivider which may be deemed necessary by the Plan Commission or staff toward proper sketch plan review.
(Prior Code, § 153.080) (Ord. 1670, passed 6-11-1996)