§ 153.078 AS-BUILT PLANS.
   (A)   After completion of all public improvements and prior to the release of the two-year performance bond on the improvements, the subdivider shall make, or cause to be made, a map showing the actual location of all street improvements, sanitary and/or storm sewer improvements, water mains, valves and stubs; subdivision boundary monuments; the stormwater management system and improvements, which includes but is not limited to detention and retention ponds; and such other permanent improvements that the subdivider installs. This map shall bear the signature and seal of a civil engineer and/or land surveyor registered in the State of Indiana and shall be submitted in four copies to the Plat Officer. The Plat Officer shall forward one copy to the Highway Superintendent, one copy to the County Surveyor, one copy to the Health Officer, and one copy to be kept by the Plat Officer.
   (B)   In addition to the as-built plans, the subdivider shall provide core tests performed by a certified testing laboratory of the H.A.C. pavement. One core (minimum) will be taken for every 660 lineal feet of new pavement and one core (minimum) for each deceleration lane and/or passing blister. The location of the core samples shall be designated by the Superintendent of the Lake County Highway Department or his or her agent. The location of said cores shall be shown on the as-built plans and a report showing the results of the samples shall accompany the as-built plans.
   (C)   As-built plans of stormwater systems shall be in accordance with the duly adopted Lake County drainage ordinance or any such duly adopted drainage regulations of Lake County.
(Prior Code, § 151.073) (Ord. 1670, passed 6-11-1996)