(A)   Final acceptance. Final acceptance of all streets and certain improvements is the responsibility of the Board of County Commissioners.
   (B)   Improvements. Improvements such as a stormwater management system and improvements, including but not limited to detention or retention ponds, a develop, or if sewerage disposal plant and all necessary appurtenances, a common water supply plant and appurtenances, and street lights are not accepted by the County Commissioners and, thus, never become the obligations of the county to maintain.
   (C)   Notification of completion. When the subdivider has completed construction of the improvements, he or she shall notify the Plat Officer by letter of this fact and formally request a final inspection by the county inspecting officials. In this letter, he or she shall briefly describe all of the improvements. No later than 21 days after the receipt of this letter by the Plat Officer, weather conditions permitting, the County Inspecting Officials shall make their inspection.
   (D)   Inspection of improvements. Before acceptance of subdivision improvements, the Plat Officer, the County Surveyor, and the County Highway Superintendent shall inspect said improvements as described above. After all agency comments are received, the Plan Commission shall submit a report to the Board of County Commissioners on the condition of such improvements and a recommendation for their action thereon.
   (E)   Notification of inspection results. No later than 21 days after the final inspection of the subdivision improvements, the subdivider shall be notified by the Plat Officer in writing of the results of the inspection.
   (F)   Inspection of subdivision streets and all other improvements. The County Inspection Officials shall, no later than eight weeks before the expiration date of the performance or maintenance bond, inspect the subdivision streets and all other improvements herein described to ascertain their condition. The subdivider shall be notified by letter, no later than six weeks before the expiration date, as to the results of the inspection. Should there be conditions concerning the improvements which the County Inspecting Officials find unsatisfactory, the subdivider has the opportunity to correct them. No later than 21 days prior to the expiration date of the subdivision maintenance bond, the Plat Officer shall relate by letter to the Board of Commissioners, the County Attorney, and the subdivider, the condition the County Inspecting Officials find the streets and all other improvements herein described in and, consequently, their recommendations regarding the release of the performance or maintenance bond.
   (G)   Utility improvements. Before the final inspection is requested the subdivider shall cause all utility improvements to be installed including, but not limited to, all water, sewer, telephone, gas and electric utilities.
(Prior Code, § 151.072) (Ord. 1670, passed 6-11-1996)