(A)   General. Existing features which would add value to the type of intended development or to the County as a whole such as trees, historic spots, watercourses, and similar irreplaceable assets, shall be preserved wherever possible in the design of the subdivision.
   (B)   Street trees planted by developer. As a requirement for subdivision secondary approval, the applicant shall plant trees on both sides of each proposed street except where there are sufficient existing trees present and preserved as determined by the Plat Officer. Street trees, namely planted, shall be no closer together than 30 feet, nor further apart than 60 feet. The type of trees shall be determined by the subdivider, except that it must not be on the list of "Prohibited Trees for Street Planting" (see Appendix F). Newly planted trees shall have at least a one and one-half-inch caliper, measured one foot from the ground. Street trees shall be located such that they will not cause destruction to street and sidewalk installations.
(Prior Code, § 153.061) (Ord. 1670, passed 6-11-1996)