§ 153.056 SIDEWALKS.
   (A)   Required improvements. Sidewalks shall be provided in the following areas:
      (1)   Industrial, commercial and business property shall be provided with concrete sidewalk five inches thick and a minimum of five feet wide; and
      (2)   All subdivisions wherein the density of the entire development as defined by this chapter is one and eight-tenths or greater shall be provided with concrete sidewalks four inches thick and four feet wide, located on the property line on both sides of all streets; however, this requirement may be waived in those cases where the Plan Commission finds that the construction of sidewalks, because of the location or size of the subdivision, the topography, or other factors creates a practical and demonstrable hardship on the subdivider.
   (B)   Sidewalks may be required on collector, secondary and primary streets. In all subdivisions, depending on the relation of the proposed subdivision to other community services such as schools, fire stations and the like, sidewalks may be required on collector, secondary and primary streets.
(Prior Code, § 153.058) (Ord. 1670, passed 6-11-1996)