(A)   Agency jurisdiction and recommendations. At minimum, the following agencies or enmities shall make recommendations to the Plan Commission Board pertaining to the adequacy of sanitary sewage facilities in the subdivision:
      (1)   Plan Commission staff;
      (2)   County Health Department; and
      (3)   Any other applicable participating jurisdiction, agency, or unit as deemed necessary by the Plat Officer.
   (B)   Complete sanitary sewer system. There shall be provided a complete sanitary sewer system including a service connection for each lot and a sewage treatment plant and/or disposal facilities which service the subdivision for all subdivisions where density of development is one or greater; however, this requirement may be waived and other means of sewage disposal permitted in those instances where the Commission finds that the particular soil conditions or other factors are such as to lend themselves to other means of sewage disposal which demonstrably will cause no pollution of the land and will promote the general purpose of this chapter.
   (C)   Individual sewage systems. In any subdivision wherein the density of the development as defined by this chapter is less than one, individual sewage disposal systems may be installed, provided all the requirements of the state and county regulations with regard to soil type, percolation tests, and size of disposal system are met.
   (D)   Modern sanitary engineering practice. All community sewerage systems and all sanitary sewers shall be designed in accordance with accepted modern sanitary engineering practice and shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements of the County Health Department and the State Board of Health.
   (E)   Combined discharge; approval from Lake County Drainage Board. Any discharge of any combined sewer system or other sewer system shall be required to first obtain approval from the Lake County Drainage Board pursuant to I.C. 36-9-27-1 et seq.
(Prior Code, § 153.057) (Ord. 1670, passed 6-11-1996)