(A)   General requirements.
      (1)   Agency jurisdiction and recommendations. At minimum, the following agencies or entities shall make recommendations to the Plan Commission pertaining to the adequacy of water supply and distribution systems in the subdivision:
         (a)   Plan Commission staff;
         (b)   County Superintendent of Highways;
         (c)   County Surveyor;
         (d)   County Health Department;
         (e)   Any other applicable participating jurisdiction, agency, or unit as deemed necessary by the Plat Officer.
      (2)   Water supply and distribution system for domestic use and fire protection. The applicant shall take all actions necessary to extend or create a water supply and distribution system capable of providing for domestic use and fire protection.
      (3)   Subdivider to install adequate water facilities. Where a public water main is accessible, the subdivider shall install or cause the installation of adequate water facilities (including fire hydrants) approved by the local fire department and/or the appropriate utility. All water mains shall be at least eight inches in diameter.
   (B)   Density based determination. In any subdivision wherein the density of development as defined in § 153.025 is four or greater, the subdivider shall provide a complete public or private utility water supply and distribution system including all appurtenances for fire protection.
   (C)   Individual wells and central water systems. If a public water system is not available, individual wells may be used or a central water system provided in such a manner that an adequate supply of potable water will be available to every lot in the subdivision and all requirements of the state and county regulations are met. Water samples shall be submitted to the County Health Department for its approval for both individual wells and central water systems. Orders of approval shall be submitted to the Commission.
(Prior Code, § 153.056) (Ord. 1670, passed 6-11-1996)