(A)   Application requirements. In order to begin the subdivision process, the applicant shall file an application for review of sketch plan with the Commission's staff and be entitled to a signed receipt for same. This application shall:
      (1)   Be made on forms available at the Office of the Commission and signed by the owner;
      (2)   The application shall advise as to the legal owner of the property, the contract owner of the property, optionee of the property, and the date on which the contract of sale was executed;
      (3)   Be accompanied by a minimum of ten copies of the sketch plan;
      (4)   Be accompanied by a fee of $100; and
      (5)   Include an address and telephone number of the subdivider or his or her agent who shall be authorized to receive all notices required by this chapter.
   (B)    Checkpoint submission.
      (1)   In order to fulfill the last application requirement for sketch plan, two copies of the proposed plan shall be submitted to each of the following agencies so that their comment may be made to the staff:
         (a)   Lake County Surveyor;
         (b)   Lake County Highway Superintendent;
         (c)   Lake County Health Officer; and
         (d)   Lake County Soil and Water Conservation District.
      (2)   Two copies of the sketch plan shall remain with the Plat Officer. The Director shall request that all officials and agencies to whom a request for review has been made, submit comments to him or her by the fifteenth day of the month two months prior to the month of the public hearing at which the subdivider intends to have his or her primary plat submission heard. It shall be the responsibility of the subdivider or his or her agent to ascertain if all county agency reports and recommendations have been filed with the Plat Officer within the specified date requirements. Failure to have all comments submitted by the stipulated deadlines shall delay Plan Commission consideration.
   (C)   Sketch plan review process. On the third Wednesday of each month the planning staff shall hold a sketch plan review meeting. This meeting shall be for any subdividers which have met the necessary deadlines for sketch plan submittal and have not yet received approval of the sketch plan. At this meeting the staff shall discuss with the subdivider pertinent aspects of the possible modifications and/or changes that may be suggested or required by this chapter. The Director shall request that a representative of each checkpoint agency be present to participate in the sketch plan review meeting. Taking into consideration the requirements of this chapter, particular attention shall be given to the arrangement, location, and width of streets, their relation to the topography of the land, sewage disposal, drainage and wetlands, soil erosion control measures, lot size and arrangement, the further development of adjoining lands as yet unsubdivided, and the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan and any other applicable plans.
   (D)   Official submission dates. The deadline for submittal of a sketch plan and application shall be on the first of the month two months prior to the month of the public hearing at which the subdivider intends to have his or her primary plat submission heard and one month prior to the deadline for the submission of the Primary Plat.
(Prior Code, § 153.036) (Ord. 1670, passed 6-11-1996)