(A)   Classification of land divisions.
      (1)   All land to be divided shall be categorized into one of three main classes of land division as they are defined in § 153.025. These classes are:
         (a)   Major subdivisions:
         (b)   Minor subdivisions: and
         (c)   Exempt divisions.
      (2)   Exempt divisions are not subject to all requirements of this chapter. Before any permit shall be granted for a structure to be erected on land to be subdivided into a major or minor subdivision, the owner or his or her subdivider shall apply for and secure approval of the proposed subdivision in accordance with §§ 153.036 and 153.037 as appropriate. Before any permit shall be granted for a structure to be erected on a parcel of land to be created or altered by an exempt division, the land divider or his or her agent shall certify to the satisfaction of the Plan Commission that all requirements for exemption have been met, as detailed in § 153.039, in order to exempt the land division from all other requirements of this chapter.
   (B)   Deadline for application submission, holiday extension. Any date or deadline of submission for subdivision application materials or agency comments shall be extended to the end of the next regular working day where the date or deadline falls on a weekend or holiday.
   (C)   Procedural path for major versus minor subdivisions. Subdivisions classified as major subdivisions shall be directed to the Plan Commission for primary and secondary approval as stipulated in § 153.037. Subdivisions classified as minor subdivisions shall first be directed to the Plat Committee for Primary and secondary approval provided no waiver is being requested under the jurisdiction of the Plan Commission. If the Plat Committee fails to vote unanimously with at least four of its five members, the minor subdivision shall then be referred to the Plan Commission for primary and/or secondary approval as § 153.038 stipulates.
(Prior Code, § 153.035) (Ord. 1670, passed 6-11-1996)