(A)   A person supplying a security, patrol, or watch dog for hire to other persons shall be subject to regulation under this chapter if either of the following are located within the county: the central business office or the kennel of the person supplying the dog; or the customer location where the dog is providing the services.
   (B)   A person supplying a security, patrol, or watch dog for hire to other persons shall obtain a permit. The Director may issue a permit upon proof of compliance with applicable zoning regulations.
   (C)   Both at the kennel housing the dog and at the customer location where the dog is supplying the services, the owner of a security, patrol, or watch dog for hire to other persons shall comply with the rules and regulations of this chapter pertaining to the humane care and treatment of animals, including but not limited to, appropriate shelter, food and water, and medical services.
   (D)   A person supplying a security, patrol, or watch dog for hire to other persons shall make its central business location, the kennel, and customer locations shall be open to reasonable inspection by animal control officers during the person's normal operating hours and during the hours the dog is being supplied to the customer.
(Ord. 1280C, passed 10-10-2006) Penalty, see § 90.99