(A)   The Lake County Council establishes the Law Enforcement Recording Copying Fee Fund, a non-reverting fund, established for the deposit and use of the funds collected by the Lake County Sheriff pursuant to the Law Enforcement Recording Copying Fee in the amount of $150 for each copy of a Lake County Sheriff's Department law enforcement recording.
   (B)   The fees collected shall be deposited in the Law Enforcement Recording Copying Fee Fund, a dedicated and non-reverting fund, and used for the following purposes: (a) to purchase cameras and other equipment for use in connection with the Sheriff Department's law enforcement recording program; (b) for training concerning law enforcement recording; or (c) to defray the expense of storing, producing, and copying law enforcement recordings.
   (C)   Appropriations from the Law Enforcement Recording Copying Fee Fund shall be subject to approval by the Lake County Council, or as otherwise provided by law.
   (D)   Monies remaining in the Fund at the end of the calendar year shall not revert to the General Fund, but remain in the Law Enforcement Recording Copying Fee Fund for use consistent with this section.
(Ord. 1444B, passed 3-10-2020)