(A)   The Auditor’s Ineligible Deduction Fund (fund), Fund No. 329, a non-reverting fund, is established for the deposit of all monies collected as a result of a determination that property was not eligible for a standard deduction under I.C. 6-1.1-12-37 or a homestead credit under I.C. 6-1.1-20.9 (repealed), as provided for in I.C. 6-1.1-36-17(e).
   (B)   The monies collected and deposited in the Auditor’s Ineligible Deduction Fund, Fund No. 329, a non-reverting fund, shall be used for the following purposes only pursuant to I.C. 6-1.1-36-17(g):   
      (1)   Fees and other costs incurred by the Auditor to discover property that is eligible for a standard deduction under I.C. 6-1.1-12-37 or a homestead credit under I.C. 6- 1.1-20.9 (repealed);
      (2)   Other expenses of the office of the Auditor;
      (3)   The cost of preparing, sending and processing notices described in I.C. 6-1.1-22.8-1(b)(9) and checklists or notices described in I.C. 6-1.1-22.5-12(d).
   (C)   Pursuant to I.C. 6-1.1-36-17(e), the funds in the Auditor’s Ineligible Deduction Fund may not be considered in establishing the budget of the office of the Auditor or in setting property tax levies that will be used in any part to fund the Office of the Auditor.
   (D)   Appropriations from the non-reverting fund shall be subject to approval by the Lake County Council or as otherwise provided by law.   
   (E)   Any money remaining in the fund at the end of the year shall not revert to the General Fund but continue in the Auditor’s Real Property Endorsement Fee Fund, subject to appropriation by the Lake County Council or as otherwise provided by law.
(Ord. 1357A, passed 2-12-2013)