§ 32.032 STRIKES.
   (A)   It is unlawful for any county employee, public employee, organization, or any affiliate, including, but not limited to state or national affiliates, to take part in, assist, or advocate a strike, work stoppage, slowdowns, picketing or interference with or departures from the performance of duties against a county employer.
   (B)   Any county employer may, in an action at law, suit, or in equity or other property proceeding, take action against any public employee, organization, any affiliate thereof, or any person aiding or abetting in any action specified in division (A) above for redress of the unlawful act.
   (C)   Where any exclusive representative engages in any action specified in division (A) above or aids or abets therein, it shall lose its dues deduction privilege for one year.
(Ord. 1199B, passed 1-18-2000) Penalty, see § 32.999