(A)   All monies received by the ETSB pursuant to a surcharge imposed under the Act (50 ILCS 750/0.01 et seq.), or from any other source, shall be deposited into an Emergency Telephone System Fund.
      (1)   The Fund shall be maintained by the Lake County Treasurer.
      (2)   All interest earnings accruing on the Fund shall remain in the Fund.
      (3)   No expenditures may be made from the Fund except upon the direction of the ETSB by resolution passed by a majority of all members of the ETSB.
   (B)   Expenditures may be made from the Fund only to pay for the costs associated with the following:
      (1)   The design of the Emergency Telephone System.
      (2)   The coding of an initial Master Street Address Guide database, and update and maintenance thereof.
      (3)   The repayment of any monies advanced for the implementation of the system.
      (4)   The charges for Automatic Number Identification and Automatic Location Identification equipment, a computer aided dispatch system that records, maintains, and integrates information, mobile data transmitters equipped with automatic vehicle locators, and maintenance, replacement, and update thereof to increase operational efficiency and improve the provision of emergency services.
      (5)   The non-recurring charges related to installation of the Emergency Telephone System.
      (6)   The initial acquisition and installation, or the reimbursement of costs therefor to other governmental bodies that have incurred those costs, of road or street signs that are essential to the implementation of the Emergency Telephone System and that are not duplicative of signs that are the responsibility of the jurisdiction charged with maintaining road and street signs. Funds may not be used for ongoing expenses associated with road or street sign maintenance and replacement.
      (7)   Other products and services necessary for the implementation, upgrade, and maintenance of the system and any other purpose related to the operation of the system, including costs attributable directly to the construction, leasing, or maintenance of any buildings or facilities or costs of personnel attributable directly to the operation of the system. Costs attributable directly to the operation of an emergency telephone system do not include the costs of public safety agency personnel who are and equipment that is dispatched in response to an emergency call.
      (8)   The defraying of expenses incurred to implement Next Generation 9-1-1, subject to the conditions set forth in the Act.
      (9)   The implementation of a computer aided dispatch system or hosted supplemental 9-1-1 services.
      (10)   The design, implementation, operation, maintenance, or upgrade of wireless 9-1-1, E9-1-1, or NG9-1-1 emergency services and public safety answering points.
      (11)   Any other purpose authorized by the Act or the regulations promulgated under it.
(1977 Code, § 3:6-7) (Ord. passed 1-9-1990; Ord. passed 5-8-1990; Ord. 18-1362, passed 11-13-2018)