(A)   All units of local government and agencies for which appointments are made by the County Board Chair and County Board shall, at a minimum, provide:
      (1)   An organizational chart;
      (2)   A budget document for the current year;
      (3)   The most recently completed audited financial statements, including internal control and management letters;
      (4)   Any required legal filings with state or regulatory agencies;
      (5)   The most recent version of all reports submitted to the governing body of the unit of local government or agency;
      (6)   The bylaws of the unit of local government or agency;
      (7)   Employment policies, including, but not limited to, personnel contracts; and
      (8)   Proof of insurance bonds for all office holders (if required).
   (B)   The aforementioned information shall be provided to the County Board Chair’s office no later than January 1 on an annual basis, or within 14 business days upon written request by the County Board Chair.
   (C)   All units of local government or agencies for which a majority of member appointments are made by the County Board Chair and County Board shall, upon discovery, immediately disclose to the County Board Chair’s office any internal finding of non- compliance with any federal or state regulation or any allegation of criminal activity involving the unit of local government or agency, including allegations related to agents, officers, employees, or any other person performing work on behalf of the unit of local government or agency.
(Ord. 11-0733, passed 9-13-2011)