The following words, terms, and phrases are hereby defined and shall be interpreted as such throughout this chapter.
   ABANDONED UTILITY OR FACILITY. Any utility or facility not in use or operation and with no immediate plans for repair or replacement to serve the same function.
   ABUTTING. Having a common border with, or being separated from such common border by an alley, easement, or right-of-way.
   ACCESS. A private or public way for providing means of vehicular entry to or exit from property abutting a street or highway.
   ACCESS CONTROL OFFICER. A member of the Lake County Division of Transportation staff designated by the County Engineer to oversee and administer the process and technical requirements of access-related permits.
   ACCESS PERMIT. A permit issued by the LCDOT granting access to a county highway from abutting property and allowing construction or reconstruction of an access point in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
   ACCESS POINT. The location of access, typically defined by a driveway or street.
   ADJACENT ACCESS POINT. An adjoining access point which may be on either side of the highway and either upstream or downstream of a proposed access point.
   APPLICANT. A local agency, person, or utility company that makes application for a permit. For access permit projects, the APPLICANT is the property owner and becomes the permittee.
   APPURTENANCES, HIGHWAY. In highway terms, all of the constituent components subordinate to but nonetheless necessary for the operation, function and/or maintenance of a roadway such as storm sewers, lighting, signage, and traffic control devices, etc. Also called HIGHWAY ASSETS.
   APPURTENANCES, NON-HIGHWAY. All of the constituent components subordinate to but nonetheless necessary for the operation, function and/or maintenance of a utility or facility such as utility poles, pedestals, transformers, valves, vaults, and manholes, etc.
   ARTERIAL. A highway generally characterized by its ability to quickly move relatively large volumes of traffic but often with restricted capacity to serve abutting properties. The arterial system typically provides for high travel speeds and long trip movements. The rural and urban arterial systems are connected to provide continuous through movements at approximately the same level of service.
   BERM. A manmade, small hill or embankment-like facility made by the placement of earth, sand, gravel, rock, organic material, or other similar material usually linear in nature and used for screening or landscaping purposes and/or in conjunction with drainage facilities.
   BERM, TOE OF. The point at which the bottom edge or slope of a berm meets the existing grade of the ground.
   CASH BOND. A certified check or bank cashier's check payable to the Lake County Treasurer held by or deposited by the Lake County Division of Transportation to ensure that all permitted work will be completed in compliance with this chapter and the conditions of the permit.
   CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE. An executed, completed, original document providing evidence that the owners and contractors have insurance in the amounts required inclusive of any additional required criteria.
   CERTIFY OR CERTIFICATION. The act or process of attesting that the specific inspections, calculations, or tests, where required, have been performed and that they comply with the applicable requirements of this chapter.
   CLEAR ZONE. An unobstructed, relatively flat area provided beyond the edge of the traveled way for the recovery of errant vehicles. The CLEAR ZONE includes any shoulders or auxiliary lanes.
   CONTRACTOR. Any person or firm engaged in construction, landscaping, or maintenance on a contract basis.
   CORNER OR RETURN RADIUS. The pavement radius of the arc between the edge of pavement of the access location and the edge of pavement of the abutting road used to facilitate vehicular turning movements.
   COORDINATION COUNCIL. The ad hoc group established by the County pursuant to 605 ILCS 5/9-113 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes, as amended, for the purpose of facilitating the placement, removal, relocation, modification, or abandonment of utilities or facilities as deemed necessary by the county for highway or highway safety purposes. The Coordination Council membership shall consist of the County Engineer, the County Board Chair, or his or her designee, and a representative designated, in writing to the County Engineer, by each entity, either public or private, that owns, operates and/or maintains a utility or facility, or any appurtenance thereto, as defined in this chapter, that is located within a county highway right-of-way.
   COUNTY. County of Lake, Illinois, also Lake County, Illinois.
   COUNTY BOARD. The County Board of Lake County, Illinois.
   COUNTY CLERK: The County Clerk of Lake County, Illinois.
   COUNTY ENGINEER. The Lake County County Engineer, also the Lake County Director of Transportation.
   COUNTY HIGHWAY. A public road as defined by the Illinois Highway Code as part of the county highway system, including municipal extensions of county highways and any proposed roads as yet un-built but designated as a part of the county highway system.
   COUNTY RECORDER. The Recorder of Deeds of Lake County, Illinois.
   COUNTY TREASURER. The Treasurer of Lake County, Illinois.
   CROSS EASEMENT. Shared access between adjacent parcels to allow the interaction of traffic without impacting public roadways.
   DEDICATION. The transfer of property interests from private to public ownership for a public purpose. The transfer may be of fee-simple interest or of a less than fee interest, including an easement.
   DETENTION FACILITY. A manmade facility for the temporary storage of stormwater runoff with controlled release during or immediately following a storm.
   DESIGNATED FREEWAY ACCESS. An access which serves a property abutting a county highway designated as a freeway.
   DEVELOPER. The legal or beneficial owner of a lot or parcel of any land proposed for inclusion in a development, including the holder of an option or contract to purchase.
   DEVELOPMENT. The division of a parcel of land into two or more parcels; the construction, reconstruction, conversion, structural alteration, relocation, or enlargement of any buildings; any use or change in use of any buildings or land; any extension of any use of land or any clearing, grading, excavation, or other movement of land.
   DRAINAGE. The removal of surface water or groundwater from land by drains, grading, or other means. DRAINAGE includes the control of runoff to minimize erosion and sedimentation during or after development and includes the means necessary for prevention or alleviation of flooding.
   DRIVEWAY. A private or public way for the use of vehicles providing service between a highway and abutting property.
   EASEMENT. A right to use or control the property of another for designated purposes, such as for drainage or placement of utilities. This may be temporary or permanent.
   EMERGENCY ACCESS. An access which is designated and utilized solely by emergency vehicles.
   EMERGENCY REPAIR. An immediate repair or reconstruction to the utility or facility required to protect health, safety and welfare of the general public. The emergency work can be required as a result of a natural disaster or other state emergency. The duration of the work period for an emergency repair is generally considered 72 hours or less.
   ENCROACHMENT. Any unauthorized object located partially or wholly within the county highway right-of-way.
   ENCUMBRANCE. Prior easement, rights, or other legal constraint that would limit or prohibit use of dedicated right-of-way by the Lake County Division of Transportation or others.
   ENGINEERING PLANS. A set of design plans, specifications, and estimates of cost containing all engineering elements necessary to construct an access point, construct or perform work for a utility or facility, or construct a highway improvement.
   EXCAVATION. An act by which organic matter, earth, sand, gravel, rock, or any other similar material is cut into, dug, quarried, uncovered, removed, displaced, relocated, or bulldozed and shall include the conditions resulting therefrom.
   FACILITY. A municipally owned non-roadway object, structure or device, manmade or natural, which is designed and constructed, located, or placed to serve a specific function or purpose or perform a particular service. FACILITIES include, but are not limited to sidewalks, bike paths, sewer lines, water lines, street lighting, signage, trees, public transportation shelters, or any other non-highway appurtenance.
   FENCE. An artificial barrier constructed of any material or combination of materials erected to enclose or screen areas of land.
   FREEWAY. A highway designated by the County Board as a freeway in accordance with Article 8 of the Illinois Highway Code (605 ILCS 5/8). A FREEWAY can be either a full or partial access controlled facility.
   FRONTAGE. The distance, as measured along the highway right-of-way line, between the property lines of the abutting property.
   FRONTAGE ROAD. A road which is adjacent to or included in the right-of-way of a highway or railroad, and which provides access to abutting properties and separation from through traffic.
   GEOMETRIC PLAN. A preliminary plan identifying proposed roadway improvements as warranted by the traffic study.
   HIGHWAY CLOSURE. A segment of the county highway that is partially or fully closed to vehicular traffic for a period of time.
   IDOT. The Illinois Department of Transportation.
   ILCS. Illinois Compiled Statutes.
   ILLINOIS HIGHWAY CODE. The laws of the State of Illinois relating to roads.
   IMUTCD. The current Illinois Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways as adopted by IDOT in accordance with 625 ILCS 5/11-301.
   IMPROVEMENTS. Any manmade changes to any land, structure, utility, facility or highway.
   INTERSECTION. The general area where an access point and a road or two or more roads or two access points join or cross.
   INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE. The distance, either right or left, at which a driver stopped at an intersection can see an approaching vehicle and can enter the road and reach the posted speed limit without an approaching vehicle changing or altering from the posted speed limit.
   ITS. Intelligent transportation system. The use of computer and communication technology to monitor traffic flow, control the operation of traffic control devices and provide information to travelers about roadway conditions. (See PASSAGE.)
   LAKE COUNTY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT COMMISSION (SMC). The Lake County Stormwater Management Commission established and pursuant to 55 ILCS 5/5-1062 et seq. for the purposes of developing, revising, and implementing a countywide stormwater management plan.
   LAKE COUNTY WATERSHED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE. A part of the adopted Lake County Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan. Its purpose is to allow management and mitigation of the effects of urbanization on stormwater drainage.
   LAND-USE DENSITY. An intensity measurement usually expressed in terms of the number of units or square feet of a particular land-use permitted to be built, constructed, or placed on a defined parcel of land.
   LCDOT. The Lake County Division of Transportation.
   LEVEL OF SERVICE. Qualitative measure describing operation conditions within a traffic stream as defined in the Highway Capacity Manual.
   LOCAL AGENCY. A local unit of government organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois. LOCAL AGENCIES include, but are not limited to, fire protection districts, forest preserve districts, municipalities, park districts, school districts, townships and township road districts.
   LOT. A single, legally divided parcel of land. A lot of record which is part of a subdivision, the plat of which has been duly authorized and recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Lake County, Illinois.
   LOT, CORNER. A lot abutting on two roads at their juncture.
   MAINTENANCE EASEMENT. A permitted, platted easement outside of the right-of-way for the maintenance of roadway related improvements.
   MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE. A financial guarantee in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit or cash bond, used to replace the performance guarantee upon acceptance of the permitted and constructed work by the Lake County Division of Transportation (LCDOT).
   MAJOR ACCESS. An access which serves property abutting a county highway and has an anticipated daily two-way traffic volume (total number of entrance and exit trips by vehicles using the access) of more than 50 trips or has regular use by vehicles or vehicle combinations of three axles or more (personal recreational vehicles excluded).
   MAJOR MAINTENANCE. A repair or inspection of an existing utility or facility that requires substantial disturbance of the county highway and/or right-of-way as determined by the County Engineer.
   MEDIAN. A portion of a divided highway or divided driveway separating the traveled ways for traffic flowing in opposite directions. A MEDIAN can either be raised or flush.
   MEDIAN OPENING. A gap in a median provided for crossing and turning vehicles.
   MINIMUM ACCESS. An access which serves a single family residence or agricultural field abutting a county highway, has an anticipated daily two-way traffic volume (total number of entrance and exit trips by vehicles using the access) of no more than 20 trips and has no regular use by vehicles or vehicle combinations of three axles or more (personal recreational vehicles excluded).
   MINOR ACCESS. An access which serves property abutting a county highway, has an anticipated daily two-way traffic volume (total number of entrance and exit trips by vehicles using the access) of no more than 50 trips and has no regular use by vehicles or vehicle combinations of three axles or more (personal recreational vehicles excluded).
   MINOR MAINTENANCE. A repair or inspection of an existing utility or facility that requires minimal disturbance of the county highway right-of-way as determined by the County Engineer.
   MODIFICATION. Any alteration to an existing access location.
   MONTH. A total of 30 consecutive days.
   OTHER STREET. A road under the jurisdiction of another public agency and not under the jurisdiction of the county.
   OWNER. The person or local agency having the right of legal title or beneficial or controlling interest in or a contractual right to purchase a lot or parcel of land, utility or facility.
   PARCEL. Any legally described piece of land.
   PASSAGE. Lake County PASSAGE. Name for Lake County's ITS project – a Program for Arterial Signal Synchronization and Travel GuidancE.
   PAVEMENT. The bituminous or concrete hard surface of a highway used for vehicular traffic. The PAVEMENT includes the through traffic lanes, turning lanes, by-pass lanes and paved shoulders.
   PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE. A financial guarantee to ensure that all permitted work required by this chapter will be completed in compliance with this chapter.
   PERMIT. A formal, written document authorizing certain work to be performed within the right-of-way of a county highway which sets forth the terms and conditions applicable to said work in conformance of this chapter.
   PERMITTEE. Any applicant to whom a permit is issued.
   PERSON. Any person, firm, partnership, association, public or private corporation, organization or business or charitable trust.
   PERSON IN CHARGE. A person as designated by the owner to be the responsible party to insure the construction of the improvement per the approved engineering plans.
   PLAT. A survey which defines the boundaries of a parcel of land.
   PRELIMINARY PLAN. A plan, preliminary in nature, showing engineering and physical planning elements.
   PRIVATE ROAD. A road in which there is no public interest and for which no public agency has jurisdictional or maintenance responsibilities.
   PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. An engineer registered in the State of Illinois under the Illinois Professional Engineering Act.
   PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR. A surveyor registered in the State of Illinois under the Illinois Land Surveyor Act.
   PROOF OF INSURANCE. A certificate of insurance including any required endorsement to the policy.
   PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. Any improvement necessary to provide for public needs.
   PUBLIC UTILITY COMPANY. Utility company subject to the regulation of the Illinois Commerce Commission.
   PUBLIC WORKS, PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. The Public Works, Planning and Transportation Committee of the Lake County Board or its successor committee.
   RESIDENT ENGINEER. An engineer as designated by the owner to be the responsible party to insure the construction of the developer's improvement per the approved engineering plans.
   RESTRICTED ACCESS. An access that has geometric restrictions that limit specific traffic movements to and from the roadway.
   RETENTION FACILITY. A manmade facility designed to completely retain a specified amount of stormwater runoff without release except by means of evaporation, infiltration, or pumping.
   RIGHT-OF-WAY. A strip of land occupied or intended to be occupied for public road purposes.
   RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE. The boundary between the land acquired for or dedicated to highway use and abutting property.
   ROAD. An approved place or way, private or public, however designated, for vehicular travel which affords a principal means of access to abutting property or other street, including rights-of-way, bridges, drainage structures, signs, guardrails, protective structures and all other structures and appurtenances necessary or convenient for vehicular traffic.
   ROADWAY. That part of the highway that includes the pavement and shoulders.
   SERVICE CONNECTION. That portion of a utility or facility that runs from the main line of the utility or facility along the county highway and connects to a customer's property providing the service of the utility or facility.
   SHARED ACCESS. An access location used jointly by two or more properties.
   SHARED ACCESS EASEMENT. An easement appurtenance permitting common access from and through adjacent properties pursuant to specified terms and conditions.
   SHOULDER. The portion of the highway contiguous with the traveled way for the accommodation of stopped vehicles and for emergency use.
   SITE PLAN. A plan of the proposed development as required by the governmental agency having land use regulatory authority. If the property is scheduled for phased development, the SITE PLAN would include the proposed layout of the total projected development.
   SMALL CELL WIRELESS FACILITY. Equipment that will be permitted within the county highway right-of-way under the "Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Ordinance."
   SPECIAL EVENT. An event of public interest such as a parade, festival, race or other public gathering which will impact normal operation of a county highway.
   SPECIAL PROVISION. A specification or document which supplements information contained in the engineering plans and provides details and requirements of items that are unique to a project.
   STATE'S ATTORNEY. The State's Attorney of Lake County, Illinois.
   STORM SEWER. A closed conduit for conveying stormwater.
   STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. An engineer whose principal professional practice is in the field of structural engineering.
   STRUCTURE. Anything constructed, erected, or placed which has location in or on the ground or is attached to something having a location on the ground such as buildings, cellular towers, and parking lots, etc.
   SUBDIVIDER. Any person subdividing land.
   SUBDIVISION. Any division or redivision of a parcel of land into two or more parts by means of mapping, platting, conveyance, change, or rearrangement of boundaries.
   "T" INTERSECTION. An intersection consisting of three approaches.
   TEMPORARY ACCESS. An access location permitted for a specific time period and with restrictions on usage.
   TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. All signs, signals, markings, and devices, which conform to the Illinois Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, placed or erected by authority of a public body or official having jurisdiction for the purpose of regulating, warning, or guiding traffic.
   TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY. A comprehensive collection and analysis of all information necessary to accurately evaluate the effect and impact of traffic generated by a development on the current and future road network surrounding the development.
   TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANT STUDY. A study conducted to determine if a proposed traffic signal meets the warrants based on the most recent edition of the IMUTCD and if the installation of such a signal will improve the overall safety and/or operation of the intersection.
   TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD. A unit of the National Research Council, which serves the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering.
   TRAVELED WAY. The portion of the roadway, for the movement of vehicles, exclusive of shoulders.
   TURNAROUND. An area utilized by vehicular traffic to change direction outside of the right-of-way.
   TURNING LANE. An auxiliary lane, including tapered areas, primarily for the deceleration and queuing of vehicles leaving the through lanes.
   TURNING MOVEMENT. Vehicles making a designated turn.
   USE. The purpose or activity for which land, or any structure thereon, is designed, arranged, or intended, or for which it is occupied or maintained.
   UTILITY. A unit, either publicly or privately owned, composed of one or more pieces of aerial or underground related equipment or constructed materials connected or a part of a structure or system designed to provide a service including, but not limited to, fiber optic cable, coaxial cable, electric cable, telecommunication cable, or gas lines.
   UTILITY EASEMENT. A platted easement, inside or outside of the county highway right-of-way that is for the use or benefit of a public or private utility to accommodate their utilities as defined by this chapter.
   WORKING DAYS. Any calendar day except Saturdays, Sundays, or legal holidays as observed by the county.
(Ord. 19-1061, passed 7-9-2019)