(A)   Non-emergency matters.
      (1)   In the case of violations of this chapter that do not constitute an emergency or require immediate attention, the Planning, Building and Development Director shall give notice of the nature of the violation to the property owner or to any other person who is party to the agreement or to any applicant for any relevant permit in the manner hereafter stated, after which the persons receiving notice shall have ten days to correct the violation before further enforcement action shall be taken.
      (2)   Notice shall be given in person, by U.S. mail, or by posting notice on the premises. Notices of violation shall state the nature of the violation and the time period for compliance and may state the corrective steps necessary and the nature of subsequent penalties and enforcement actions should the situation not be corrected.
   (B)   Emergency matters. In the case of violations of this chapter that constitute an emergency situation as a result of safety or public concerns, or violations that will create increased problems or costs if not remedied immediately, the county may use the enforcement powers available under this chapter without prior notice, but the Planning, Building and Development Director shall attempt to give notice simultaneously with beginning enforcement action. Notice may be provided to the property owner, to any other person who is party to the agreement and to applicants for any relevant permit.
   (C)   Appeals. Enforcement actions taken by the Planning, Building and Development Director may be appealed by the affected party to the Zoning Board of Appeals in accordance with § 151.058. In the case of a violation of §§ 151.185 through 151.204 or §§ 151.220 through 151.221, appeals of enforcement actions shall be processed in accordance with § 151.192(D).
(Ord., § 13.8, passed 10-13-2009)