(A)   General. All sanitary sewage disposal facilities shall be designed and constructed in accordance with all applicable rules, regulations, and standards contained in local ordinances of the Lake County Health Department and the Lake County Public Works Department, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, the applicable sanitary districts and the Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois. Plans, specifications, and construction work shall be subject to the approval and inspection of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, the Lake County Health Department, and the Lake County Public Works Department. If separate agencies operate or maintain collecting sewers and/or treatment works, an approval shall be obtained from each. Regardless of location, lot size, or number of lots, a subdivision shall be disapproved when the Health Officer finds that the drainage, soil conditions, disposal facilities, or other conditions may create a hazard to public health.
   (B)   Public sewage collection and disposal systems. Subdivisions shall be connected to public sanitary sewage collection and disposal systems when required by this chapter. All subdivisions connecting to public sewage collection and disposal systems shall consider the logical extension of existing sewage systems and to the future extension of the sewage system into adjoining parcels.
   (C)   Community sewage collection and disposal systems. Community sanitary sewage collection and disposal systems may be developed in subdivisions only when allowed by this chapter.
   (D)   Individual sewage disposal systems. Individual sewage disposal systems may be used when permitted by this chapter. (See § 151.170.)
(Ord., § 10.12, passed 10-13-2009)