§ 151.053 DESIGN REVIEW.
   Design review is the procedure used for determining nonresidential developments’ compliance with the general development standards of §§ 151.165 through 151.173, including the architectural standards of § 151.171. Design review is not conducted as a separate, stand-alone procedure, but rather is carried out as part of the review of a subdivision.
   (A)   Applicability. All subdivisions and conditional use permit applications for nonresidential uses shall be subject to design review.
   (B)   Procedure. Design review shall be conducted as part of the review of the applicable nonresidential subdivision or conditional use permit application. All applicable subdivision or conditional use permit review procedures shall apply, including any appeal procedures. In their review of developments that are subject to design review, review and decision-making bodies shall consider, in addition to the approval criteria that apply to the subdivision or conditional use permit, whether the application complies with the general development standards of §§ 151.165 through 151.173, including the architectural standards of § 151.171.
(Ord., § 3.9, passed 10-13-2009)