This chapter is intended to protect the health, safety, and general welfare of existing and future residents of the unincorporated area of Lake County by:
(A) Implementing the Regional Framework Plan;
(B) Classifying the unincorporated area of the county into zoning districts;
(C) Regulating and restricting the location and use of buildings, structures, and land for agriculture, natural resource conservation, recreation, trade, industry, residences, and other uses;
(D) Regulating the intensity of uses and structures through density, intensity, dimensional, and open space standards;
(E) Protecting landowners from any adverse impacts associated with development that occurs in unincorporated Lake County;
(F) Implementing land use and open space policies that will preserve agricultural uses of land, including local food production, and the rural, open character of the unincorporated area of the county;
(G) Controlling development in areas of sensitive natural resources, in order to reduce or eliminate adverse environmental impacts;
(H) Protecting the integrity of watersheds;
(I) Promoting sustainable development;
(J) Promoting conservation development;
(K) Managing growth within the unincorporated area of Lake County by concentrating development in areas where adequate sewage and water facilities, roads, and schools now exist or can be provided, and limiting development in areas where these facilities are not adequate;
(L) Protecting the tax base by managing growth within unincorporated Lake County;
(M) Promoting land use patterns that increase efficiency in service provision and prudent use of fiscal resources and local government expenditures;
(N) Providing standards for all types of dwelling units to ensure access to decent, sound, sanitary and affordable housing for renters and buyers in accordance with the goals of the Federal Housing Act of 1949, among which is the provision of adequate zoning to meet a fair share of the region’s housing needs;
(O) Encouraging provision of affordable housing opportunities near employment centers and major transportation facilities;
(P) Ensuring the continued usefulness of all elements of the highway system for their planned function by increasing the safety and free flow of traffic by limiting numbers of intersections and driveways on major roads, while requiring greater connectivity of local streets;
(Q) Ensuring protection from fire, flood, and other dangers;
(R) Providing adequate privacy, light, and air; and
(S) Gradually eliminating uses, structures, and situations that do not comply with this chapter.
(Ord., § 1.5, passed 10-13-2009; Ord. passed - -)