Table B.1 - Soil Resource Groups
Soil Resource Group A - The following soils formed in loamy to sandy material overlying sandy or gravelly glacial outwash, have a moderately well or greater drainage class, and a particle size class of coarse-loamy, sandy skeletal or fine-loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal. Udipsamments and Beach sand formed in wind-worked beach sand and have a somewhat poor or greater drainage class.
Soil Series
93 Rodman - Typic Hapludoll
318 Lorenzo - Typic Argiudoll
323 Casco - Inceptic Hapludalf
325 Dresden - Mollic Hapludalf
327 Fox - Typic Hapludalf
367 Beach sand
570 Martinsville - Typic Hapludalf
706 Boyer - Typic Hapludalf
839 Udipsamments - Typic Udipsamment and Aquic Udipsamment
Soil Resource Group B - The following soils formed in silty material overlying stratified glacial outwash, have a somewhat poor or greater drainage class, and a particle size class of fine-silty.
Soil Series
134 Camden - Typic Hapludalf
365 Aptakisic - Aerie Endoaqualf
442 Mundelein - Aquic Argiudoll
443 Barrington - Qxyaquic Argiudoll
526 Grundelein - Aquic Argiudoll
557 Millstream - Aquollic Hapludalf
696 Zurich - Qxyaquic Hapludalf
697 Wauconda - Udollic Endoaqualf
698 Grays - Mollic Qxyaquic Hapludalf
791 Rush - Typic Hapludalf
792 Bowes - Mollic Hapludalf
Soil Resource Group C - The following soils formed in silty clay loam glacial till, have a somewhat poor or greater drainage class, and a particle size class of fine.
Soil Series
23 Blount - Aerie Epiaqualf
146 Elliott - Aquic Argiudoll
223 Varna - Qxyaquic Argiudoll
298 Beecher - Udollic Epiaqualf
530 Ozaukee - Qxyaquic Hapludalf
531 Markham - Mollic Qxyaquic Hapludalf
Soil Resource Group D - The following soils formed in silty clay loam lacustrine sediments (Fine) and have a somewhat poor or greater drainage class.
Soil Series
189 Martinton - Aquic Argiudoll
192 Del Rey - Aerie Epiaqualf
370 Saylesville - Oxyaquic Hapludalf
Soil Resource Group E - The following soils formed in silty clay or clay glacial till (Fine) and have a somewhat poor or greater drainage class.
Soil Series
228 Nappanee - Aerie Epiaqualf
320 Frankfort - Udollic Epiaqualf
Soil Resource Group F - the following soils have a seasonal high water table at a depth of less than 12 inches from the ground surface.
Organic Soils
Soil Series
103, 1103, 3107, Houghton muck - Euic, Typic Haplosaprist
1210 Lena muck - Euic, Typic Haplosaprist
4777 Adrian muck - Sandy or sandy skeletal, Euic, Terric Haplosaprist
Mineral Soils
Soil Series
67 Harpster - Fine silty, Typic Calciaquoll
153 Pella - Fine silty, Typic Endoaquoll
219 Millbrook - Fine silty, Udollic Endoaqualf
232 Ashkum - Fine, Typic Endoaquoll
330, 1330 Peotone - Fine, Cumulic Vertic Endoaquoll
465 Montgomery - Fine, Vertic Endoaquoll
488 Hooppole - Fine loamy, Typic Endoaquoll
513 Granby - Sandy, Typic Endoaquoll
523 Dunham - Fine silty, Typic Endoaquoll
626 Kish - Fine loamy, Typic Endoaquoll
1107, 3107 Sawmill - Fine silty, Cumulic Endoaquoll
1082 Millington - Fine loamy, Cumulic Endoaquoll
1529 Selmass - Fine loamy, Typic Endoaquoll