(A)   Plans. Plans shall be submitted in accordance with requirements of §§ 171.125 through 171.128 to obtain approval from the Health Officer as required by this chapter.
   (B)   Site plan review. Upon receipt of an application, properly submitted plans, and receipt of the appropriate fee, the Health Officer shall review the application and site plan for compliance with the provisions of this chapter and shall approve, approve with comments, or deny approval of the proposal.
   (C)   Notification of non-approval. The Health Officer shall notify an applicant whose application is not approved of the reason(s) preventing the approval and of any technical or administrative solution remaining.
   (D)   Site plan validity and expiration. A site plan that has been reviewed in accordance with the requirements of this chapter, unless revoked, shall be valid for a period of 24 months from the date of approval, or the date of the notification of non- approval. After revocation or expiration a site plan shall be void and shall no longer be valid. Subdivision plans are exempt from the expiration requirement.
      (1)   One-time renewal of a valid approved site plan. Prior to the expiration date of an approved site plan, the approved site plan may be renewed one time for an additional 24-month period that shall begin at the expiration date of the original site plan, upon submittal and approval of the following:
         (a)   An application for renewal.
         (b)   A fee in accordance with the current fee schedule adopted by the County Board as codified in § 178.01 .
         (c)   Five copies of the original site plan that was initially approved. The type, size and location of the soil treatment component and surrounding grading shall be as approved on the original approved site plan.
      (2)   Re-submittal of a valid unapproved site plan. Prior to expiration, a site plan that has been reviewed and was not approved may be re-submitted for review and: potential approval upon submittal of a fee in accordance with the current fee schedule adopted by the County Board as codified in § 178.01 and five copies of the proposed revisions to the original site plan that was initially not approved.
(Ord. [Bd of Health Ord., Art. V], passed 11-12-1996; Ord. [Bd of Health Ord., Art. V], passed 11-12-2013)