(A)   Owner’s responsibilities. The owner of record of an onsite wastewater treatment system that contains a component certified by an ANSI accredited third party testing and certification organization to meet NSF/ANSI Standard Number 40 or 350 for pretreatment of wastewater, shall assure that management activities on the system component are conducted and reported as required in this section.
      (1)   Management activities. Management activities on the certified pre-treatment component shall be conducted a minimum of two times per calendar year, no less than four months apart, and/or in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements. These activities shall include the repair, replacement, adjustment or modification of any part of the certified pre-treatment component and for any additional inspections or management activities as are necessary to ensure its proper operation.
      (2)   Management activity reporting. The owner of record shall be responsible to assure that a report of the management activities is provided to the Health Officer within 30 days of the activities. If disinfection is required for a treatment unit to meet NSF/ANSI Standard Number 350, management activity reporting shall include confirmation that the disinfection component is disinfecting the wastewater.
(Ord. [Bd of Health Ord., Art. V], passed 11-12-1996; Ord. [Bd of Health Ord., Art. V], passed 11-12-2013; Ord. 24-1005, passed 8-13-2024)