A.   Purpose. The Commission must find that at least one of the following criteria is applicable when weighing whether to recommend that a Feature be designated a Landmark.
B.   General Considerations.
1.   The Feature has significant character, interest, or value as part of the historic, aesthetic, cultural, or architectural characteristics of the Village, the state of Illinois, or the United States.
2.   The Feature is closely identified with a person or persons who significantly contributed to the development of the Village, the state of Illinois, or the United States.
3.   The Feature involves the notable efforts of, or is the only known example of work by, a master builder, designer, architect, architectural firm, or artist whose individual accomplishment has influenced the development of the Village, state of Illinois, or the United States.
4.   The unique location or singular physical characteristics of a Feature make it an established or familiar visual feature.
5.   The activities associated with a Feature make it a current or former focal point of reference in the Village.
6.   The Feature is of a type or is associated with a use once common but now rare, or is a particularly fine or unique example of a utilitarian Feature and possesses a high level of integrity or architectural significance.
7.   The Feature has yielded or is likely to yield historically significant information, or even prehistoric data.
C.   Architectural Significance.
1.   The Feature represents certain distinguishing characteristics of architecture inherently valuable for the study of a time period, type of property, method of construction, or use of indigenous materials.
2.   The Feature embodies elements of design, detail, material, or craftsmanship of exceptional quality.
3.   The Feature exemplifies a particular architectural style in terms of detail, material, and workmanship which has resulted in little or no alteration to its original construction.
4.   The Feature is one of the few remaining examples of a particular architectural style and has undergone little or no alteration since its original construction.
5.   The Feature is, or is part of, a contiguous grouping that has a sense of cohesiveness expressed through a similarity of style characteristics, time period, type of property, method of construction, or use of indigenous materials and accents the architectural significance of an area.
6.   The detail, material, and workmanship of the Feature can be valued in and of themselves as reflective of or similar to those of the majority of the other visual elements in the area.
7.   The Landscape is significant in its own right as a work of landscape architecture and not merely as a complementary setting for one or more Structures or Buildings.
D.   Historic Significance.
1.   The Feature is an exceptional example of an historic or vernacular style, or is one of the few such remaining of its kind in the Village.
2.   The Feature has a strong association with the life or activities of a person or persons who significantly contributed to or participated in the historic or cultural events of the United States, the state of Illinois, or the Village.
3.   The Feature is associated with an organization or group, whether formal or informal, from which persons have significantly contributed to or participated in the historic or cultural events of the United States, the state of Illinois, or the Village.
4.   The Feature is associated with a notable historic event.
5.   The Feature is associated with an antiquated use due to technological or social advances.
6.   The Feature is a monument to, or a cemetery of, a historic person or persons. (Ord. 2022-10, 3-28-2022)