10-16-5: PARKING:
A.   Parking Regulations: The regulations for parking in the RIO District shall be identical with regulations in the CBD Central Business District (CBD) set forth in subsections 10-6A-8A through C of this title.
B.   Minimum Required Spaces:
1.   For Specified Uses: For the following uses, the following minimum number of on-site parking spaces shall be provided:
Churches, houses of worship, and other assembly spaces
1 space per 6 seats in the main auditorium or largest room in the building, whichever is greater
Indoor participatory (e.g., community centers)
1 space per 3 occupants of area used by participants or per 3 maximum number of likely participants at any one time, whichever is less
Outdoor participatory (e.g., tennis courts, swimming pools)
2/3 of the maximum number of participants at any one time
Outdoor passive (e.g., playgrounds, trails, shelters)
No minimum
Schools and day cares
1 space per employee
"Occupants" shall refer to the maximum legal occupancy permitted pursuant to the Village's building regulations set forth in title 9 of this Code.
"Maximum number of participants" is calculated based on the maximum number of participants likely to participate in the activity, as determined by the Building Commissioner. For example, basketball is typically played with two (2) teams of five (5) players. Therefore, the maximum number of participants is likely to be ten (10) at any one time for a full-size basketball court. As a further example, doubles tennis is played by four (4) players. Therefore, the maximum number of participants is four (4) at any one time for a tennis court. The Building Commissioner shall not factor in spectators and substitute players in establishing the maximum number of participants, but the Village may consider spectators, substitute players, and other likely users of a property when considering whether to require additional minimum parking spaces as provided elsewhere in this section.
2.   For All Other Uses: For all other uses not herein defined, there shall be a parking area of sufficient size to provide not less than one parking space for each six hundred (600) square feet of the total floor area of any building or buildings, including all accessory buildings erected on the lot.
3.   Fractional Spaces Excluded: Where determination of the number of required parking spaces results in the requirement of a fractional space, any fraction shall not be included in calculating the minimum number of required parking spaces.
4.   Uses In Bluffs And Ravines Excluded: That portion of any use which lies within a bluff protection area or a ravine protection area shall not be included in calculating the minimum number of required parking spaces.
5.   Credit For Street Parking: The number of minimum spaces required pursuant to this section shall be reduced by the number of lawful parking spaces available on the public street adjacent to the site and not adjacent to any residential buffer yard.
6.   Imposition Of Additional Minimum Parking: Notwithstanding anything contained in this title to the contrary, if the parking requirements of any use in this district exceeds the ratios as hereinbefore defined, additional parking spaces shall be provided on the lot on which the use is situated. As a condition of RIO Development Plan approval pursuant to section 10-16-7 of this chapter, the Village may require more on-site parking spaces than may otherwise be required pursuant to this section to insure that there is adequate on-site parking to minimize traffic and parking congestion on the public streets.
7.   Existing Parking Non-Conformities: Notwithstanding anything contained in this chapter to the contrary, the legal non-conforming status of any deficiency in the required minimum number of parking stalls shall be protected unless, as a component of RIO Development Plan approval, the Village determines a new use, or an increase in the intensity of an existing use, will generate additional parking demand above that previously existing upon the site. (Ord. 2019-2, 1-28-2019)