A. General Prohibition: Except as expressly permitted pursuant to subsection B of this section, no principal or accessory building or structure, no permanent fence, and no other at grade improvement of any kind shall be constructed, placed, or maintained in any bluff or ravine.
B. Permitted Structures: Notwithstanding the general prohibition set forth in subsection A of this section, the following improvements may be permitted in a bluff or ravine in accordance with the regulations of this subsection and the other applicable regulations of this chapter, provided such improvement would not, as determined in advance by the village engineer, adversely affect stormwater drainage, or unnecessarily accelerate erosion of the bluff or ravine, or otherwise create a hazardous condition or public nuisance:
1. Paths And Steps At Grade: Paths and steps at grade of no greater than six feet (6') in width shall be allowed in any bluff or in any ravine.
2. Decks:
a. Ravines: Decks and other similarly elevated structures shall be allowed to extend over the top ravine edge of a ravine; provided, however, that no pier foundations or supports shall be placed or maintained on or beyond the top ravine edge.
b. Bluffs: Decks and other similarly elevated structures shall be allowed to extend over the top bluff edge of a bluff and to be located in a bluff.
3. Benches: Benches shall be allowed to be located or maintained within a bluff or ravine.
4. Stairs: Stairs and associated landings shall be permitted in any ravine or bluff that is located on bluff/ravine property that is at least one and one-half (1.5) acres.
5. Electric Lift Systems: An electric lift system, and associated equipment and appurtenances thereto, shall be permitted on a bluff upon the issuance of a special use permit pursuant to subsection 10-2C-3 of this title; provided, however, that: a) only one electric lift system may be permitted on a property; and b) as a condition of issuance of the special use permit, the owner agrees in writing to permit the Village to inspect the electric lift system at least once a year to confirm that the electric lift system complies with all applicable provisions of this code and the special use permit. (Ord. 2016-17, 6-27-2016; amd. Ord. 2022-38, 12-12-2022)