A.   Submittal And Required Information: When submitting for a permit, the applicant must provide to the village the name and contact information for their recycling agent(s) and indicate how much C&D debris will be diverted and recycled.
B.   Confirmation From Recycling Agent: Not less than five (5) business days prior to the scheduled date for the final inspection, the applicant shall submit to the code official a confirmation from their recycling agent(s) that the C&D debris required to be recycled was in fact recycled and such additional information as the code official may require.
C.   Limitation On Issuance Of Certificate Of Occupancy: No certificate of occupancy or confirmation that a property in violation of this code has been brought into compliance with this code shall be issued for any property on which a covered project has been completed unless and until the confirmation as described in subsection B of this section is received and approved by the code official and the applicant pays all penalties imposed for any violation of this code. (Ord. 2014-7, 4-28-2014)