The following sections of the current Illinois plumbing code/law are hereby amended, revised, and changed as follows. Subsequent section numbers used in this chapter shall refer to the like numbered sections of the Illinois plumbing law: (Ord. 2017-2, 2-13-2017)
890.320(c) Delete section.
890.320(j) Delete section.
890.1200(a) Delete section and replace as follows:
"(a) Water Service Pipe Sizing. The water-service pipe from the street main to the water-distribution systems for the building shall be of sufficient size to provide an adequate flow of water to meet the minimum requirements per this section 890.1200. The new water service pipe and fittings shall be at least one and one half inches (11/2") in diameter."
890.APP.A Approved Materials For Building Sewer. Delete paragraph 2 and replace as follows:
"(2) Asbestos cement pipe and bituminized fiber pipe shall not be used."
890.APP.A Approved Materials For Water Service Pipe. Delete paragraphs 1, 4, 8, 9, 10, and 11 and replace each paragraph as follows:
"(1) Aceylonite butadiene stryene (ABS) pipe shall not be used."
"(4) Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) pipe shall not be used."
"(8) Poly butylene (PB) pipe/tubing shall not be used."
"(9) Polyethylene (PE) pipe shall not be used."
"(10) Polyethylene (PE) tubing shall not be used."
"(11) Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe shall not be used."
890.APP.A Approved Materials For Water Distribution Pipe. Delete paragraph 7 and replace as follows:
(7)   Poly butylene (PB) pipe/tubing shall not be used.
2902 Add the following new section 2902 as follows:
"Section 2902 Additional Special Rules
(Ord. 2013-4, 2-25-2013)
2902.1 Additional Special Rules. The following additional special rules and regulations are hereby adopted as a part of this code:
1.   All water pipe shall be run in type "L" copper for interior above ground and below grade water pipe shall be run in type "K" soft copper. PVC water pipe is not allowed.
2.   All sanitary sewer services are to be installed with a length of ductile iron pipe through the foundation wall and spanning the over dig at the outside of the house to prevent shearing at the foundation. The service is to have a clean out of equal size extended to grade outside of the building at the end of the ductile iron.
3.   All new sanitary lines shall be overhead type sewers to prevent possible surcharging the basement.
4.   All storm sewer pipe is to be installed with SDR 26 PVC type pipe or approved equal.
5.   All directional bored storm or sanitary lines shall be inspected by use of a video camera supplied by contractor after installation to verify integrity and proper pitch of pipe. Village inspector to be on site at time video is taken.
6.   Eliminate the use of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe with cellular core. See appendix A 12 of the Illinois plumbing law.
7.   All new sewer pipe connections of dissimilar material are to be made with no shear type fittings.
8.   No cross connections of any nature or description shall be permitted between the sanitary system and the storm sewerage system of any house premises or building in the village, nor shall any sump pump or drainage system of any nature be cross connected with or between said sanitary and storm systems. Relocation of storm sewer discharge is to be approved by the village.
9.   All new connections are to be bed in granular material as approved by the building department. Granular material is to be installed to a level 4 inches above the pipe.
10.   Water service to any premises shall not be less than one and one half inch (11/2") inside diameter and shall be installed to a depth of not less than 5 feet or more than seven feet. Water services one and one half inch or two inch diameter shall be type K copper. Water services of greater than 2 inch in diameter may be of cement lined ductile cast iron pipe.
11.   Where a domestic water line is serving a property and additional well for water will not be permitted unless otherwise approved by a special use permit.
12.   When a new water meter or new water service is installed in an existing, renovated or new building or there is a new occupancy or occupant/owner of a building then a 1/2" metallic conduit shall be installed from the meter to the street side of the building so that a remote water meter reader can be wired and installed. The location of the conduit can be verified with the building official.
13.   Pursuant to 17 Ill. admin. code 3730.307(c)(4) and subject to the Illinois plumbing code (77 Ill. admin. code 890) and the lawn irrigation contractor and lawn sprinkler system registration code (77 Ill. admin. code 892), all new plumbing fixtures and irrigation controllers installed after the effective date of this ordinance shall bear the WaterSense label (as designated by the U.S. environmental protection agency WaterSense program), when such labeled fixtures are available.
(Ord. 2017-2, 2-13-2017)