A. Leaves And Garbage: It shall be unlawful to deposit, throw, cast, drop or leave in or on or rake or put onto any street, alley, sidewalk or public place in the village any stones, missiles, nails, glass, metal, snow, grass, leaves, branches of trees, garbage, peelings, paper, boards or any article that may do injury to any person, animal or property; except, that ashes or cinders free from any foreign substances may be spread on unimproved streets or alleys.
B. Merchandise And Building Materials: Merchandise, building materials or other articles may be deposited on sidewalks or public ways preparatory to delivery; provided, that the usable width of the walk or public way is not thereby reduced to less than four feet (4'); and provided, that no such articles shall remain on such walk for more than one-half (1/2) hour. (1988 Code § 5-3A-15)