A.   Refuse To Obey Orders; Hindering Firefighters: All persons who are present at an incident shall be subject to the orders of the fire chief and other officers of the fire department. In case any person shall refuse to obey any such orders, such person shall be fined as provided for herein. Any person who shall wilfully offer any hindrance to any officer or firefighter in the performance of his duty at an emergency incident, or who injures, destroys or defaces any fire department equipment shall, for each offense, be fined as provided for hereinafter.
B.   Driving Over Fire Hose: No person shall drive any vehicle over unprotected equipment of the fire department unless directed or permitted by a member of the fire department. Any person violating any of the provisions of this subsection shall be responsible for the cost of damage or repair or replacement of such equipment, and the fine provided in section 5-2-7 of this chapter.
C.   Obstructing Fire Hydrants: No person shall in any manner obstruct the use of any fire hydrant, or have or place any material within five feet (5') in any direction of said fire hydrant. Any person violating any of the provisions of this subsection shall be fined as provided in section 5-2-7 of this chapter. (1988 Code § 8-1-3)