A.   Residential Franchise License (1). The Village will issue no more than one scavenger license authorizing the collection of scavenger materials from residential customers. The residential franchise license may only be issued to the scavenger with whom the Village Board, by resolution duly adopted, has entered into a residential franchise agreement.
B.   Commercial Franchise License (1). The Village will issue no more than one scavenger license authorizing the collection of scavenger materials from commercial customers. The commercial franchise license may only be issued to the scavenger with whom the Village Board, by resolution duly adopted, has entered into a commercial franchise Agreement.
C.   Exempt Service License (Unlimited). An unlimited number of licenses may be issued to authorize the collection of scavenger materials from commercial customer that are exempt from franchise service pursuant to Section 4-2-2(G). A scavenger must provide proof that it has entered into a contractual agreement with the owner or occupant of an exempt property to provide scavenger services in order to receive an exempt service license, and, after the Village’s exclusive commercial franchise takes effect on November 1, 2022 as provided by Section 4-2-2(D), may only serve exempt properties under this license. It is the duty of the scavenger holding an exempt service license to verify that each customer maintains a current exemption during the provision of service. Prior to the effective date of the Village’s commercial franchise, exempt service licensees may serve any commercial customers in the Village pursuant to a valid contract. (Ord. 2021-14, 7-12-2021)