APPROVED OR APPROVAL: Accepted by or acceptable to the Village of Lake Barrington Enforcement Officer.
BEDROOM: Any room of seventy five (75) square feet or larger, containing a closet, which is suitable to regular use as a bedroom and which shares a common hallway with or is adjoining at least a three-quarter (3/4) bath.
BUILDING SEWER: That part of the horizontal piping of a drainage system which extends from the end of the building drain, receives the discharge of the building drain and conveys it to a public sewer, private sewer, individual sewage disposal system, or other point of disposal. The building sewer commences five feet (5') outside the building foundation wall.
CLASS I AEROBIC UNIT: A mechanical wastewater treatment unit which is certified by NSF International as Class I.
COARSE SAND: Fill material having an effective diameter of 0.15 to 0.30 mm with a coefficient of uniformity <5.0, and having less than twenty percent (20%) material coarser than 2 mm and less than five percent (5%) silt and clay.
COMPONENT: An integral part of a private sewage disposal system that is necessary for the satisfactory design, construction and operation of the system.
CONSTRUCTION PERMIT: A nontransferable permit issued to a licensed installation contractor to construct an individual sewage disposal system to the specifications of the plan approved for the system.
DISCHARGE RATE: The volume of wastewater discharged from a low pressure distribution system expressed as gallons per minute, and applied as a rate either per perforation, per line, or per system.
DISTAL END PRESSURE: A measure of system pressure in a low pressure distribution system made at the end of a lateral distribution pipe opposite the force main connection, and expressed as feet of pressure head.
DIVERTER VALVE: A valve with a single inflow which may be adjusted to direct outflow into any one of two (2) or more directions.
DOMESTIC SEWAGE: Wastewater typical of a residential flow, containing human wastes, moderate concentrations of soaps and detergents, minimum concentrations of grease and toxics such as normal household cleaning agents.
EFFLUENT FILTER: A device installed at the outflow of a septic tank which screens and collects solids ordinarily suspended in solution.
ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: Those officers, employees, independent contractors, or the designated agents of same as authorized by the Village President to enforce this Title.
EXPANSION AREA: An area designated for the replacement or enlargement of a soil-based individual disposal system.
FLOODPLAIN: The elevation of base flood elevation expressed as U.S. Geological Survey (mean sea level) National Geodetic Vertical Datum, which establishes the 100-year flood limit, and adjacent lands of equal or lower elevation.
FLOW CONTROL DEVICE: A device specially designed to equalize the outflow elevation of effluent from a distribution box, typically a rotating pipe cap provided with an off-center outflow orifice which can adjust the flowline by rotation of the cap.
INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: A sewage treatment and disposal system which infiltrates treated wastewater into soil, or disposes of treated wastewater by another means pursuant to a variation to this Title granted by the Village Board.
INDIVIDUAL SITE: A parcel or tract with an existing individual sewage disposal system, any platted lot, or any parcel or tract of land not proposed for subdivision or resubdivision.
INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR: Any person who constructs, installs, repairs, modifies or maintains a private sewage disposal system shall be licensed by the Illinois Department of Public Health as a private sewage system installation contractor.
ISOLATION DISTANCE: The vertical measurement from a wastewater application point to a limiting layer.
LIFT STATION: A watertight containment vessel intended solely to collect pretreated effluent and containing a submersible effluent pump, external pump switch(es), an audio-visual alarm and additional pump control devices.
LIMITING LAYER: That plane in a soil profile which restricts the placement of a wastewater application point due to conditions including, but not limited to, seasonal high water table or permanent saturated conditions, restrictive permeability (loading rate of 0 gpd/sq. ft.), excessive permeability (gravelly coarse sand or coarser texture), or fractured bedrock.
LOADING RATE: The maximum rate, based upon a soil's texture, structure, and consistence and expressed as gallons per day per square foot of infiltration area, at which effluent may be applied to a soil absorption system.
MOTTLING: A redoximorphic feature of some soils which is associated with high water tables, appearing as spotty patches of red, brown, orange and gray colors and having a Munsell color chart chroma equal to or less than 2 and a value equal to or greater than 4.
NONCONFORMING SYSTEM: A system intended for an atypical use or application for which special consideration to flow, wastewater strength, or wastewater disposal may result in special requirements which exceed the standards set forth in this Title.
PERSON: Any organization, corporation, firm, individual, partnership or other entity.
PRETREATMENT UNIT: A septic tank or multiple tanks or a Class I aerobic unit, including trash tanks if recommended, properly sized for the projected daily wastewater volume and providing physical, chemical and biological treatment to raw wastewater prior to its application to a soil infiltration system.
PUMPING CONTRACTOR: Any person who cleans or pumps waste from a private sewage disposal system or hauls or disposes of wastes removed therefrom shall be licensed by the Illinois Department of Public Health as a private sewage disposal system pumping contractor.
REDOXIMORPHIC FEATURES: Soil characteristics associated with wetness which result from the reduction and oxidation of iron and manganese compounds in the soil, and are indicative of the extent of soil saturation.
REPAIR: The replacement of or the addition or modification to an existing individual sewage disposal system, or any components thereof other than soil absorption capacity, which is continuing to serve the same dwelling or structure, excluding maintenance activities such as pumping the tank, replacement of baffles or filter, replacement of electrical or mechanical components such as pumps, switches, motors or controls.
SEPTAGE: Liquid and solid material removed from domestic septic tanks or other approved pretreatment systems, and specifically excluding wastes from portable toilets, holding tanks, grease traps and sewage treatment plant sludge material.
SHALL: The stated provision is mandatory.
SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN: A prepared plan which illustrates the finished contouring of a site, including modifications to the site associated with proposed work on the sewage system, to specifications acceptable to the Village of Lake Barrington.
SOIL CLASSIFIER: One of the following:
A. A person currently certified as a soil classifier by the Illinois Soil Classifiers Association (ISCA) or by the American Registry of Certified Professionals in Agronomy, Crops and Soils (ARCPACS).
B. A person who is a full member or associate member of the Illinois Soil Classifiers Association (ISCA), provided that direct supervision is provided to this person by an ISCA or ARCPACS certified soil classifier who accompanies the person on at least twenty five percent (25%) of the soil investigations and reviews and signs all of that person's soil investigation reports.
SOIL RESOURCE GROUP: A group of soils specific to this Title which share common traits and similar subsoil materials.
SYSTEM TYPE: Soil infiltration systems segregated by this Title into five types, I through V as illustrated in Appendix E of this Title, based upon the extent of physical contact between seepage trench or bed aggregate material and the natural soil.
TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY: A representation of changes in elevation of a property prepared to scale by an Illinois licensed surveyor or engineer, which depicts each one foot (1') change in elevation by a contour line, is referenced to a benchmark which is based upon U.S. Geological Survey (mean sea level) National Geodetic Vertical Datum, and which encompasses a sufficient area to include the proposed structure, the individual sewage disposal system area and any other topographical feature relevant to the wastewater system.
WASTEWATER APPLICATION POINT: The point lowest in elevation at which wastewater applied to a soil infiltration system will first contact with soil or fill material.
WATER TABLE: The upper limit of the portion of the soil which is completely saturated with water. The seasonal high water table is the highest level to which the soil is saturated, as may be indicated by mottling (soil color patterns).
WETLAND: Land that is inundated or saturated by surface or shallow ground water at a sufficient frequency and duration to support, under ordinary conditions, a prevalence of vegetation adapted to such conditions (hydrophytic vegetation). (Ord. 96-O-16, 12-17-1996)