A.   General: The provisions of these regulations shall cover all matters affecting or relating to individual sewage disposal as set forth in this Title.
   B.   Matters Not Provided For: Any private sewage disposal requirement essential for the sanitary safety of an existing or proposed building or structure or essential for the health or safety of the occupants thereof, and which is not specifically covered by this Title, shall be determined by the Enforcement Officer.
   C.   Continued Use: The continuation of use of a private sewage disposal system, or part thereof, contrary to the provisions of this Title shall be deemed a violation, and subject to the penalties prescribed in Chapter 15 of this Title.
   D.   Referenced Standards: The standards referenced in this Title and listed in Appendix A shall be considered part of the requirements of this Title to the prescribed extent of each reference. Where differences occur between provisions of this Title and referenced standards, the provisions of this Title shall apply except as specified in Chapter 18 of this Title. (Ord. 96-O-16, 12-17-1996)