A. Title: This Title shall be known as the INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS TITLE of the Village Code hereinafter referred to as "this Title".
B. Scope: Individual sewage disposal systems are required where no sanitary sewer is legally available to the property to be served. Unless specifically approved, the individual sewage disposal system of each building shall be entirely separate from and independent of that of any other building.
C. Intent: This Title shall be construed liberally and justly to secure the proper design and installation of systems for the treatment and disposal of sewage; to ensure minimum standards for sewage discharges, the location, installation, alteration, operation, maintenance, and monitoring of all individual sewage disposal systems so as to protect land, water, groundwater and other natural resources within the Village from impairment, pollution, or destruction; to minimize the risk of spreading communicable diseases, and to prevent and avoid other health and ecologic hazards attributable to bacteria, viruses, protozoa and helminths, as well as chemical contamination of lands and waters. (Ord. 96-O-16, 12-17-1996)