A.   Tree Removal: Except as specifically authorized in accordance with sections 11-1-7 and 11-1-8 of this chapter, no protected tree shall be removed or shall be otherwise affected by regulated activity prior to receiving prior written approval by the applicable approving authority, and a tree removal permit issued by the Village Administrator, or his or her designee. No exempt tree shall be removed or shall be otherwise affected by regulated activity without the prior written approval of the Village Administrator, or his or her designee.
   B.   Approval Authority:
      1.   Approving Authority; When Public Hearing Required: A tree survey and tree preservation plan shall be submitted to the Plan Commission or, to the Zoning Board of Appeals, where it is the hearing body, and to the Village Board for review and approval by anyone requesting preliminary or final plat approval or any zoning relief. The Village Board, as the applicable approving authority, shall review and approve tree preservation plans for applicants requesting preliminary and/or final plat approval or any zoning relief, after receiving a recommendation from the Plan Commission or from the Zoning Board of Appeals, as appropriate to the circumstances. The approval of a tree survey and tree preservation plan shall only be effective for twenty four (24) months from the date of approval, and all tree removal, replacement and/or relocation authorized shall be completed during that period, unless such a survey and plan are updated and the approval thereof is renewed, in which event said tree survey, tree preservation plan, and the approval thereof shall be effective for an additional twelve (12) months.
      2.   Approving Authority; When Public Hearing Not Required: The Village Administrator, or his or her designee, as the applicable approving authority, shall review and approve the tree survey, tree preservation plans, and tree removal plans for all applicants not required to appear before the Plan Commission, ZBA, or Village Board.
   C.   Compliance With Chapter: No letter of credit or other performance guarantee shall be released for any subdivision, no performance bond shall be released for any building or site permit, and no occupancy permit shall be granted relative to any building permit, unless the terms and conditions of this chapter relative to tree preservation and replacement have been fully complied with. (Ord. 2018-O-18, 9-4-2018)