For purposes of this chapter, the following phrases shall have the definitions as set forth below:
All or part of a principal structure or accessory structure being rented or otherwise let to person(s) other than the owner of the subject property.
The accessory use and/or occupancy for a period of less than three (3) months of a principal structure or accessory structure pursuant to a written or oral agreement which permits and/or provides for occupancy of all or part of such structure by any person other than the owner thereof, or an immediate family member of the owner thereof, and whether or not the permission of such occupancy is in exchange for consideration therefor. Notwithstanding anything contained in this definition to the contrary, a short-term rental shall not include any of the following: (1) any occupancy of a residence by an immediate family member; (2) any occupancy of a residence by a person who is present in such residence as a caregiver for or to provide companionship, safety, and/or security for a person who is living on the same premises and who has been found by the Social Security Administration or by any agency or department of the State of Illinois to be disabled and such disability continues, regardless of whether or not the owner(s) of the residence or the disabled person receive(s) any rent or other compensation from such person; (3) one or more than one consecutive lease extension(s) of any length immediately following any lease between the same parties where the original lease did not fall within the definition of a "short-term rental"; or (4) any occupancy by person(s) who were former owner(s) and/or former occupant(s) of a residence and who are holding over and retaining possession of such residence for an agreed upon period of time after the closing of the sale of such residence. (Ord. 2016-O-08, 4-13-2016; amd. Ord. 2022-O-16, 12-6-2022)