Persons who violate this chapter are subject to the penalties set out in this section.
A. Any person who shall be found guilty by a court of competent jurisdiction of any violation of any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a petty offense hereunder and shall be punished by fine(s) and other penalties as specified from time to time in section 1-4-1 of this code. Each day a violation occurs or is permitted to continue shall be considered a separate offense.
B. Any person who shall be found guilty by a court of competent jurisdiction of violating any provision of this chapter or of failing to comply with any requirement thereof shall, in addition to the fine(s) and other penalties provided, be obligated to reimburse the village for its attorney fees to the extent permitted by law, court costs, court reporter costs, expert witness fees and all other out of pocket costs incurred by the village in the prosecution of said violation or violations.
C. In addition to any fine(s) and other penalties imposed hereunder, the court may order that the person convicted of a violation remove and properly dispose of the litter, and may employ special bailiffs to supervise the removal and disposal, or the village may employ contractors to remove and properly dispose of the litter, and the court shall tax any such costs against the person so convicted and against the property.
D. The penalties prescribed in this section are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any penalties, rights, remedies, duties or liabilities otherwise imposed or conferred herein or by law. (Ord. 2008-O-05, 2-5-2008)